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𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔢 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫

(The reader is kind of OP NGL...)

Name: YN LN

Age: 25 years old (Todoroki is 23)

Nationality: Your Nationality (Japanese)

Hair: H/L HC

Eyes: E/C

Skin: SC

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual


YN is very flirty. Hawks but is a villain and is cold-blooded like Dabi. You could say a love child between the two. He is very H.O.R.N.Y High off real negative yandere. He doesn't look smart but he is very intelligent. How do you think he wasn't caught by a hero yet? He jokes around a lot too. His Hawk nature. And can get dangerously serious when he needs to be.


YN was bullied as a child. It was already bad enough that his father left him because of his strange quirk. Which is Demonic Manipulation? His mother, the only one taking care of him and having to work to make sure the bills were paid and food was on the table, Didn't give YN much attention. Especially when YN got bullied because of his quirk. And when he would fight back he was labeled a 'villain'. One day When he was walking to his high school, on the first day, which wasn't a hero school because they were wary of his dangerous quirk. On his way to his normal school, he saw some kids bully a little boy. He was quick to go to save the boy but since they outnumbered YN, they roughed him up. Until YN activated his quirk. A hero heard the screams and quickly came over and saw YN fighting the boys with his quirk. The hero breaks up the fight. When YN and the boys explain, the hero ends up warning YN that he shouldn't use his quirk. And blaming him for the boys' bruises. YN had to apologize to the boys even though they were beating him up just as bad before he activated his quirk. The hero had shown a little of his distaste towards YN because of his Demonic Quirk. YN finds out the boys he beat up go to his high school, they bully him and the kid he saved. The kid he saved thanked YN and the two became friends. YN began to protect the kid, Haru Yoshida, every chance he could. But he couldn't always save him because one day, Haru committed suicide. YN never felt the same again, his normal care-free attitude turned cold and uncaring. He blamed himself for Haru's death but he moved on. He never forgot him, still has the charm that Haru gave him.

𝕰𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖞 20𝖘

In YN's early twenties, his mother got sick. She was bedridden in a hospital. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with her, so she was there ever since YN was 21 years old. He had to get a job, Not many hiring him because of his quirk. Until he got a job at a cute cafe. Not something YN really wanted but he was able to see the many cute boys and girls that came to the cafe and even flirted with him. Which is happily did right back, even getting him some new FB to bring home and kick out when he was finished.

𝖄𝕹 𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆 𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖓

YN was scrolling through Instagram and he saw a video of a villain named Stain. He agreed on how some heroes weren't there just to save people but for the fame that went with it. He began to act on his ordeals. He even researched The League of Villains and Overhaul. He studied their techniques and decided he would combine all the techniques and his own style which was hacking into the mix. He did all that so it would be difficult to pinpoint the next attack.


Villain Alias: Dominique

Quirk: Demonic Manipulation

Explanation: He is able to do anything a demon does.

Electromagnetic Interference- Demons, like spirits, often disrupt nearby electronics with their presence. Large numbers of demons can cause thunderstorms.

-Flight: Only when in their smoke forms.

Immortality: He ages slowly

Invulnerability: Injuries that are fatal to humans/regular people have little to no effect on him

Super Strength: He is stronger than any animal/human combined. His strength can rival All Mights'

Astral Perception: He's able to see hidden supernatural activity and beings such as Reapers, Ghosts, and Hellhounds. Haru is actually a ghost and helps YN with whatever he needs since Haru lowkey had a crush on YN. YN also has a hellhound he can summon named Miki.


Since he has a quirk, there must be drawbacks, right? Well, they are very dangerous. If he uses Electromagnetic Interface too much, he would end up being stuck in that electronic. He can also put people into the electronic (Alastor maybe??) If he uses Flight too much, He would start to fade into a dark color. Immortality literally doesn't have a drawback lol. Invulnerability, his drawback is a specific kind of demonic tool that could actually kill him. Which will play a great role later on? Super Strength has no drawbacks. He was already a buff boi even without his quirk soo- Oh and Astral Perception, If he uses that too much. He would actually go crazy and wouldn't understand the difference of real people and ghosts. Because when he activates his ability not all ghosts look dead. They actually look like normal people.

So, How do you like YN and his quirk???

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