🌹Meet Rosalie🌹

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Name: Rosalie Fitzherbert/Rider

- Ro (All the VK's and Lonnie)
- Rose (Carlos, Evie, Mal, Jane, and Ben)
- Rosie (Audrey and Jay) - Hates the nickname only when it comes from Audrey

Hair color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Friends: Ben, Lonnie, Jane, Mal (Future), Evie (Future), Carlos (Future), Jay (Future)

Personality: Kind, Headstrong, Sneaky, Can be sarcastic, Clever, Stands up for her friends, Brave, Adventurous, Daring, Loving, and Confident

- Friends
- Art
- Singing
- Her magic
- Jay

- Chad
- Audrey
- People who mess with her friends
- Dresses (but will wear them occasionally)

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