Chapter : 02

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Teacher is announcing the results, who got first place with record mark's.

" Yibo got first place with best marks" teacher announced.

Zhan woke up screaming "noooooooooo"

Jin Li and Wang Hao was shocked and afraid about , what happened to Zhan. They went Zhan's bed and asked" What happened? Why are you screaming like this?"

Finally, Zhan realised, he was dreaming. "Nothing, I was having a nightmare." Said Zhan.

"What kind of nightmare you saw?". Asked Jin Li.

"It was about Yibo. I saw Yibo came first in class" Zhan replied.

"Aiyaa!! Zhan, you always think about Yibo. Sometimes it feel like you guys are couple and you can't stop thinking about him" Jin Li said in smirk.

"What the fuck you are talking about? That's impossible. He is my biggest opponent. Don't say this again." Zhan react in anger.

"I didn't mean that. You always think about Yibo. What is he doing? Is studying or not." Isn't that true?" Said Jin Li.

Zhan didn't reply. Just left for take shower.
After having shower and breakfast Zhan left for a walk.

**Zhan's POV**

I didn't know why I didn't replied their questions. Am I always think about Yibo? Yes, I think about him just because he is my biggest opponent and more then enemy. I just want to scratch his face with my fingers.

I get in my favorite park. When I had bad mood, always I came in this park. I can saw kid's with their family. It's so lovely. After playing kid's went to sit their mom's lap, their mom feed them. Their papa place a kiss in their cheeks. That's so loving. I always wish to have this kind of family.

When I am 5 years old, mom passed because of heart attack. Papa used to love mom so much, that he wasn't able to bear her absence. After mom's death, papa also got heart attack and passed away.

After that , My uncle raised me. He didn't get marry just because of me. He raised me like his own son. He is my mother, father also a brother and friend. He is my everything.

When I came in this park, I always wonder world is so beautiful. I came their often. So, everyone knows me. Including kids and their parents. I love Playing with this kids. When I became sad, visiting here give me a source of happiness and smile in my face.

**Writer POV**

Yibo and Liu are standing outside of the park. Suddenly, Liu saw Zhan is playing with kids in ground.

Liu said with laughter, "Yibo, see this a high school final year guy is playing with 4 year's kids."

"Who?" Asked yibo.
Liu replied, "look behind you"

When Yibo turn around, he saw Zhan. Zhan was playing with kids. Kids are also enjoying Zhan's company. Yibo were staring at Zhan. Zhan was smiling and playing with cycle, just like other kids.

Suddenly, Yibo said " He look beautiful when he smile with his bunny teeth

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Suddenly, Yibo said " He look beautiful when he smile with his bunny teeth."

After saying that he realise what just he said about Zhan. "Zhan looked beautiful while smiling. What the fuck I am thinking? I hate him, I hate him." With a odd feeling Yibo said in his mind.

Liu was shocked, "you said Zhan look beautiful while smiling. What are you talking about? You don't like Zhan, or do you?"

Yibo replied quickly, "of course, I don't like him. I was talking about those kids."

With a confusion Liu and Yibo left that place immediately.

After playing, Zhan is felling tired. So, he returned in his room. After taking shower he laid in his bed and fall asleep.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. Zhan got woke up by hearing his phones sound.

Its a notification from weibo, Someone comment on his post with heart emoji.


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