Chapter : 09

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Next Morning,

Zhan got up early in the morning. He completed his morning routine. He still have pain in his ankle. Zhan and his friends get ready and walk towards their school. Wang Hao and Jin Li was helping Zhan for walk by holding his shoulder.

While walking they saw Yibo and Liu was standing infront of school gate. It's seems like Yibo was waiting for someone. His restless eyes are trying to looking one particular person. And Liu was giving him company.

When Yibo saw Zhan is coming, Yibo run to Zhan.

"Are you okay Zhan?" Asked Yibo in panic.

Zhan was shocked by hearing Zhan from Yibo. He didn't expect that.

" Yes. I am okay." Said  Zhan

" Then why they are holding your shoulder?" Asked Yibo.

"He have pain in his ankle. He can't walk properly that's why we are holding his shoulder'". Said Jin Li.

"Let me help you" said Yibo.

"No need. They are here for helping me". Said Zhan quickly.

"Let me carry you". Yibo said and came closer to Zhan and Carried him without giving him a chance to say something.

Wang Hao and  Jin was shocked by Yibo's action. Liu was laughing.

"Let me down Yibo. Everyone is watching. What's wrong with you? Asked Zhan

"Let them watch". Yibo replied ignoring Zhan.

"What's wrong with you Yibo? Why you have changed suddenly." Asked Zhan in confusion.

"Nothing!! I am just worried about you. If you are not there. I have no one to disturb. I want you to keep safe because I want to disturb you whole of your life." Yibo replied in cold face.

Zhan was dumbfounded by Yibo's answer.

Zhan said nothing. Zhan let Yibo carry him.
Zhan was not uncomfortable in Yibo's arm.

Finally they have reached in class. Yibo carefully make place for Zhan on chair and he also seat beside Zhan.

Wang Hao, Jin Li and Liu Haikuan was still standing infront of school gate.

"Liu, we have something to discuss with you." Said Wang Hao.

"I know what is it. Come with me."  Said Liu and walk away.

Hao and Jin was following Liu. Suddenly, Liu stop at cafeteria.

"Come in. Let's have a seat and then we can talk." Offered Liu.

Hao and Jin nod and went in canteen together.

They seat together. Liu order some breakfast for them.

"So, ask me what you guys want to know." Liu said while taking his breakfast.

"So, Lan Wangji..

"Yes. Our Yibo is Lan Wangji." Liu cut Jin's sentence before complete.

"I knew that. His talking style is almost same. And the way he talk last night with Zhan it was clear for us. But Zhan didn't get it". Said Wang Hoa.

"It is so obvious. Zhan and Yibo's relationship in real life are like tom and jerry. But in online they are best friend." Said Liu.

"So, Yibo do it on purposes?" Asked Jin Li.

"Oww oww!! No. He also didn't know that Wei Wuxian is Xiao Zhan. Then two days ago, When Zhan left his phone in classe. Yibo checked it out from his phone." Said Liu.

"Ohh!!" Wang Hao and Jin Li was in shocked.

"And what about Yibo's sudden concern about Zhan?" Asked Hao raising his eyebrows.

"Ahh!! This....Yibo is in love with Zhan.
whenever he had fight with Zhan. He never hit back Zhan did you guys notice that. Always he let Zhan whatever he wants.
Me and Zhu Zanjin told him like thousands of time that You are in love with Zhan. But he didn't admit. But last day, When Yibo saw Zhan was hurt. He realized that how much he love Zhan. And  last night he told me he can't live without Zhan. Zhan is became part of Yibo's life. One day without Zhan he just can't take it. And did you guys know, when Zhan was being busy with his phone for Lan wangji, Yibo was sad that time. But when he found out that Zhan was busy with  him not other. He was very happy. I know him very well. He love Zhan most." Said Liu hiding his tears.

"Wooahhh!! We didn't expect this". Both Jin li and Wang hao said in shocked.

"There is something, I think we have to tell you". Said Jn Li

"What is it?" Asked Liu.

"Dude, Zhan is in love with Lan wangji but he is also concerned about Yibo. Last day, when Zhan splash coffee, it was cold but, when Wang Hao said, it was hot, for teasing Zhan. Suddenly, Zhan show concern about Yibo." Said Jin Li.

"What!!! I have to tell Yibo about it." Said Liu.

"So, Is there any plan about confession to Zhan?" Asked Hao..

"No, Yibo said that, he is afraid about to be rejected and he also afraid that if Zhan misunderstood him. What will he do?" Liu said..

"Oh!! That's right. We have to do something about them" Said Hao.

"I think we have to help Zhan to realize that Yibo is Lan Wangji. And he is in love with Yibo not Lan Wangji." Said Jin Li.

"Okay then let's help them" Said Liu.

"Mission Yizhan" Said Liu

"Hey guys did you notice we became friends!! Said Wang Hao..

"What!! We are here just for Zhan and Yibo.  We are not friends.." said Liu quickly.

"Okay okay!! Lets go we have exam today. Also Yibo and Zhan went in class long time ago. They must be worried about us." Said  j

Wang Hao, Jin Li and Liu Haikuan gets up and start walking towards their class
After reaching

"You guys are late. Didn't you know I am alone here." Said Zhan

"You aren't alone. Yibo was there for you. Said Wang Hao winked.
"Shut up. Teacher is coming." Said Zhan.During exam,

"Yibo, I have something to tell you.." said Liu taking glance at yibo.

"What is it about?" Asked Yibo in confusion.

"Its about Xiao Zhan" said Liu.

"Tell me now!!" Yibo ordered in panic.

"Aiyyaaa!!! Let's just finish the exam. After that I will tell you." Said Liu

"Ahh!! Man I just can't take suspense. Tell me nah" said Yibo like cry baby.

"If you don't finish your exam, Zhan will tease you for being a loser. Wanna be teased from your loved one?" Liu said raising his eyebrows.

"No!No!...Arggghh.. let's just finish it quickly." Said Yibo and start writing his paper.


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