Chapter : 37

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Next day in uni,

Wang Hao, Jin Li and Liu Haikuan were sitting on cafeteria waiting for Yibo and Zhan, Marius Wang was also with them . After sometime, Zhan enter the cafeteria. Yibo wasn't with him.

Zhan walk to them and sat beisde Marius Wang.

"Good morning, Zhan." Said Marius Wang.

"Yeah.!!" Zhan replied

"Where is Yibo?" Asked Liu Haikuan

"How should I know?" Said Zhan angrily.

"Ah?? What do you mean by that? What happened?" Asked Liu Haikuan in confusion.

"Why are you asking me ha?? Ask your friend. What he did with me." Said Zhan.

"What? What happened? Tell us Zhan. You guys were perfectly fine last day. And why you behaving like this today?" Asked Wang Hao.

"Hey, don't just don't ask me about him. Okay?? Am I clear or not." Said Zhan.

"Hey, Yibo, you came." Said Liu Haikuan."

Yibo entered the cafeteria, seeing Yibo is coming closer to him, Zhna got up from his seat.

"I'm going to my class. I don't wanna see any betrayers face." Said Zhan and start walking.

"Zhan wait, I'm coming." Said Marius Wang getting up from his chair and looked at Yibo, who was standing beside the table. Marius Wang smirk at Yibo and left. Seeing Marius Wang smirk, Yibo rolled his eyes in 360° angle.

Yibo sat on chair relaxing his body.

"Yibo, whats going on between you and Zhan?" Asked Liu Haikuan.

"I don't wanna talk about it guys. Can you leave it?" Said Yibo.

"What do you mean by you don't wanna talk about it. You have to say us. Why Zhan said you betrayer? Clear that man!! What's going on?" Said Liu Haikuan as he demand answer.

"It's a long, I can't explain you guys all. I will tell everyone on time. Not now okay? Just hear one thing ,he don't trust me." Said Yibo, got up from his chair and went out from the cafeteria.

"Why I'm just damn irritated with this two guys. I mean why they are not just sharing with us what's going on." Said Liu Haikuan in frustration.

"I don't know either. They were good last day. Why all of a sudden everything is changed?" Said Wang Hao.

"Hey guys, did you guys noticed when Marius Wang was getting out from the cafe,he looked at Yibo and I noticed a smirk on his face. Why I'm smelling like, there is something happening and we don't know about it." Said Jin Li.

"I'm just so confused. I don't know." Said Liu Haikuan exhaling large breathe.

"I'm going after Yibo. Let me just see where is he." Said Wang Hao and run after Yibo.


Zhan was sitting in his class Marius Wang came and sat beside him.

"Zhan..Are you okay?" Asked Marius Wang.

"Yup. I'm okay." Replied Zhan.

"Don't worry Zhan, I'm with you. I won't betray you. I promise. " Said Marius Wang holding Zhan's hand.

Zhan shake off Marius Wang's hand and he didn't reply him. Teacher came in the class. Zhan took out book from his back and concentrate on class.


It's been three days, Yibo submitted his so called assignment with his team member Gu Wei. Lu Yen Jie wasn't with them. No one knows where is she. She didn't came in uni after that incident happened with Yibo and Zhan. Now a days  Zhan and Yibo didn't came together in uni. They didn't even talk with each other. Literally they can't see each other face. It seems if they see their face, they will have allergies.  Everyone was so confused about them, what's going on. Their friends were frustrated by them. Now a days they are behaving like same as before. Zhan also said that, he shifted himself to his uncle's house. They don't have any contacts with each other. It's so frustrating. But, Yibo and Zhan acted like nothing happened. They were so cool and relaxed that no one can't imagine. Yibo, the same one who cried for Zhan many times but, he didn't even dropped a singel tear. Can you imagine? Zhan, who is so emotional no one noticed that he was sad or something. They didn't care  about their relationship. They are pretending like they don't love each other. But, everyones know thats not true. Everyone was so annoyed by them but, there were someone who is happy. He is none other then Marius Wang. Marius Wang was happy because what he wanted is happening. Yibo and Zhan wasn't together. They even talking with each other. So, he is literally very happy. He is trying his best to get close to Zhan. Also ge is planning to propose Zhan again(such a pathetic  dickhead).

Zhan and Marius Wang is in cafeteria. Zhan is solving his math problems and as usual Marius Wang was staring at Zhan.

Liu Haikuan, Wang Hao and Jin Li was sitting on another table talking about Zhan and Yibo. Zhan also stopped sitting and talking with his friends. Zhan was just ignoring all of them. But, Yibo was normal with all. Yibo wasn't there today. Nobody knows where is he. His phone is switched off and he also didn't came uni today.

Everybody was sitting peacefully on cafeteria enjoying themselves.


A loud voice broke everyones peace.

"Heeeelllllooooo guys!!!!!! Are you all listening??? Or you guys are deaf.. Come on here, I'm in ground. I've something important announce. Hey!!!!!!!!!!! Xiao Zhannnn!!!!!! Are you listening? Where are you?? Come here hurry up!!!"

Again a loud voice came from outside, hearing Xiao Zhan's name everyone start looking at Zhan.

"Yibo!!!!!" Said Zhan and getting up from chair run towards ground.

Seeing Zhan running, Marius Wang also followed Zhan.

Liu Haikuan, Wang Hao and Jin Li also run to ground.

"Aiyyyaaahhh!!!!!! Is there anyone.... I need everyone, come here!!! Come on.!!"

Again a loud voice came, this time everyone went to the ground. All students and teachers.

Zhan came to ground and saw, Yibo was standing middle of the ground holding a mike on his hand,

Everyone gathered surrounding Yibo and started gossiping. Everyone was confused about What is happening.

Seeing Zhan, Yibo smile and wave his hand,

"Hello." Said Yibo

"What the fuck you are doing?" Asked Zhan.

"What's going on Zhan?" Asked Marius Wang standing behind Zhan.

"Ahha!!!! You came.. that's good." Said Yibo

"What are you doing with mike Yibo?" Asked Liu Haikuan in confusion.

Yibo didn't answer any questions.

Everyone was waiting for Yibo to say something, everyone's eye on Yibo what he is going to say.

Yibo took few steps close to Zhan

"What are you doing?" Asked Zhan.

"Xiaooooooooo Zhannnnn" Said Yibo exhaling a breath.


Hey guys, sorry for short chapters. I was going to add this chapter on previous chapter but, my meimei wwenqing said that let's have some fun.

So, guys One thing, I want to say sorry to Marius Wang and Lu Yen Jie 's fans. Sorry for making them evil. I'm sorry guys.

Be prepared for next chapter.. there is something big going to happen😈😈

Stay safe all...
Love you all❤️❤️

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