Chapter : 13

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Zhan's phone buzzed by alarm. Its morning already. Zhan get up from his bed. With his half open eyes he saw Jin and Hao was sleeping in same bed cuddling each other. Zhan remembered what was happened last night and smile himself.

"They look so cute with each other. Why I couldn't see their feelings for esch other." Zhan mumble himself.

"Hey lovey-dovey couple come on get up. Its morning. And we have class." Zhan screamed.

"Ayy!! Zhan, we are already up. We are just cuddling. " Hao said

Jin Li was blushing by Hao's word's.

"Ah!!ok ok but we have class you can continue your lovey-dovey things after school." Said Zhan wakling towards privy.

"Ok!!" Hao response.

Wang Hao and Jin Li walking side by side. Zhan was walking after them. Infront of school gate Yibo and Liu was waiting for them.

"Hey! Why are you holding each other hand?" Asked Liu in surprise.

"They are couple now!" Zhan said taking glance at Hao and Jin Li.

"What!! But yesterday you guys were just friends. So, when? How?" Asked Yibo raising his eyebrows.

"When we back from Liu's birthday. They were not talking to each other. So, I asked them. Jin told me Hao kissed him during dance at Liu's place. Then Hao confess his feelings. Then Jin do. And they became couple." Explain Zhan.

"Woow!!" I am left who have no one." Yibo said pouting his face.

"Wahh! Zhan also said this same thing. Last night. " Said Wang Hao smiling.

"Heheheheh!! Zhan laugh awkwardly.

"Com'on we are getting late for class." Said Zhan and start walking.

Yibo run towards Zhan and grab Zhan's hand.

"Let's walk together." Said Yibo holding Zhan's hand.

Zhan nod.

Zhan didn't protest for holdings his hand.

Zhan was feeling secure with Yibo. Everyone who knows them as opponent or enemies, they all were staring at them. Yibo and Zhan were walking holding each other hand's.  Zhan was walking quietly close to Yibo.

"Hey Bunny, are you okay?" Asked Yibo.

" Yes. We are here. Let's go in." Said Zhan releasing his hand from Yibo's and went for class."

Yibo was standing infront of class. And our loving couples are coming towards him.

"Hey, what happen? Why are you standing outside of class?" Asked Liu.

"Nothing. I am happy. Because Zhan allowed me to hold his hand. Can you imagine?" Yibo said hanging a sweet smile on his lips.

"Congratulations. Its working. Hope Zhan will realized soon that he loves you." Said Jin Li.

"Hey, By the way Tomorrow is Zhan's birthday." Said Wang Hao.

"Yeah, Yeah I know that. And I have planned everything for my bunny. Just I need some help from you guys." Said Yibo.

"Aw!! How you know about Zhan's birthday.?" Askd Liu.

"Dumboo, I know it from kindergarten. And I....Nothing Said Yibo and walk away in class sit beside Zhan.

"What he trying to say but stuck in half way" Liu said in confusion.

"Come on in guys" Zhan Said loudly for them.

After call classes done, Zhan and his friends back in their drom.

After few moments, Zhan took out two box from his Cupboard. A box full with dried roses and another box full of candies.

"Is this roses are from that unknown person who gives you present in every birthday? Even in your last birthday you received a rose and candies from our drom's door when we are going for class. And aslo there was a card with birthday wish. Right?" Asked Jin Li

"Yes, I don't know who sent it for me. When I was in kindergarten, first time I start receiving birthday present from this person whom I don't even know. But every year on my birthday he send me a present first.Evey year I got my first birthday wish from this person. I know I will get another one tomorrow. And I am waiting for it." Said Zhan with big smile.

"Why you are collecting this?" Asked aWang Hao.

"Because, I don't know him. But one day I will find him for sure." Said Zhan and packed the boxes and placed it on his cupboard.

"What's your plan tomorrow" asked Wang Hao.

"Nothing especial, I will attend class and then I wil visit my uncle. I miss him. He is the one my family, father, mother, brother and everything." Said Zhan hiding his tears in fake smile.

"Hey dude, we are here for all time. What do you mean by you have just one in your family. We are also your family." Said Jin wiping his tears from cheek's.

"Yeah, I know. You guys are my brother's my bestest friend's. Sometimes mother and also father. Said Zhan with smile showing his bunny teeth.

"Aiyyaaa!! I am also here. Come hug time" said Wang Hao and Huged Zhan And Jin.

Next Morning (Xiao Zhan's Birthday),

Alaram buzzed On Zhan's phone. He get up from his bed, complete his mornings routine. Suddenly he hear a knock in drom's door. He went for check who was it. When he opened the door. There was no one. He looked down and saw there was a rose and a box of candies. As usual that person placed it on Zhan's door and went away. Zhan smiled and took it. When Zhan was taking those box and rose there was one person hiding behind closest pillar to Zhan's room and seeing this.

Zhan close his room's door. Placed the rose on his study table and start unboxing candy box. There was a card inside. There is something written on card. Zhan start read it "Happy Birthday, It will be your especial birthday" Be happy. Keep smiling.

Zhan smiled himself. "Who is this person? That's enough, I really need to investigate about this." Zhan thought himself.

"Hey, you received a present that unknown person again?" Asked Wang Hao pointing on rose.

"Yes. I received it from door. Someone knocked, I went for check then I got it. Zhan replied.

"Who is that person? We have CCTV camera on our door. We can checked it?" Suggest Jin Li.


(So, What you guys think about this stranger? Who is this?)

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