Chapter : 18

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"Where is he?" Asked Zhan in panic.

"He is in room no. 109." Replied Zhu Zanjin.

Wang Hao and Jin Li also came after Zhan.

"What happed?" Asked Jin Li.

"Yibo had an accident" replied Zhu Zanjin crying.

"What!! How!!? Asked Wang Jin Li in shock.

"I don't know, Liu called me and said Yibo fainted in road side, then I went to them and bring Yibo to hospital." Said Zhu Zanjin

"Where is Liu? Is he okay?" Asked Wang Hao.

"Yeah! He is okay, he is sitting next to Yibo's room." Said Zhu Zanjin.

"How is Yibo now? Is everything okay now?" Asked Jin Li.

"Yes. He is okay now." Said Zhu Zanjin.

When Zhan reached next to Yibo's room.. He saw Liu was sitting  next to the room and crying.

"Liu, what happen to him? I told you to take him home safely. Then how he got an accident? He was with you." Zhan said in anger.

I don't know, it just happen so first, I just.." said Liu stammered and crying.

"Tell me what happened" Zhan yelled at Liu crying.

We were going home by walking, suddenly Yibo told me, he want coffee, so, I went to get coffee for him. He was standing on the side of the road. When I fetching coffee for him, I saw a car went away and Yibo was fainted laying on the road. Then somehow I contacted to Zhu Zanjin and we bring him here. He was calling your name in a state of unconsciousness. So, I asked Zhu Zanjin to call you. Liu explain to Zhan.

"How is he now?" Zhan asked.

"Doctor's said he is okay now, they are examining him, he is room." Said Liu.

Zhan get inside the room. Yibo was laying on the bed, doctors were examining him.

"Yibo" Zhan Called crying.

Yibo looked at Zhan and smiled. Zhan ran to Yibo and hold his hand.

"How are you?" Asked Zhan looking at Yibo crying.

"You are here now, I am fine now." Said Yibo holding back Zhan's hand.

"He is fine now, he fainted from a head injury. There are no serious issues we have tested." Said the Doctor.

"Thank you, doctor." Thanked Zhan.

"You are Zhan?" Asked doctor.

"Yes. I am Xiao Zhan". Said Zhan in shocked how he know my name.

"Haha! Your boyfriend was calling you in unconsciousness. Take care of him." Said the doctor and left the room.

" He is not my boyfriend" Zhan mumble

"What, you were calling my name?" Asked Zhan.

"No!! He was lying." Said Yibo smirking

"How you did head injury?" Asked Zhan.

"Nothing, let it be." Yibo ignored Zhan's question.

"Yibo, just say it, don't try to ignore my question." Said Zhan in anger.

"Ahh!! Fine listen, when I was standing beside the road, suddenly a car stopped front of me. A boy came out with hocky stick in his hand. He hit me in head with hockey stick before I understood anything I fainted out." Yibo explained.

"Who was the boy?" Zhan asked.

"It was Yuchen" said Yibo

"What?! That's all my fault. If you hadn't saved me that day, it wouldn't happen with you today. I am sorry!! Just because of me you are in pain today. I am sorry". Said crying.

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