Chapter : 20

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It's 6 in the evening. Zhan was in his favorite park with a bouquet. Zhan was very happy. Finally, he is the way of his plan.

Suddenly, someone placed hand on Zhan's shoulder. Zhan looked back. He saw a man who is wearing black shirt.

 He saw a man who is wearing black shirt

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"Yes?" Zhan asked

"Wei Wuxian? Asked the boy.

Zhan was shocked how he know my fake name.

Zhan replied " Yes."

"Hi, I am Lan Wangji" said the boy.

Zhan was surprised by hearing name of the boy.

"What!? You are lan Wangji?" Asked Zhan.

"Yes, I am" replied the boy.


After Yibo received message from Zhan as Wei Wuxian. Yibo called Liu and Zhu Zanjin.

"Hello, Liu come to my place with Zhu Zanjin and if you can please asked Wang Hao and Jin Li to come my place." Said Yibo in on breath.

"What happened to you?" Liu asked

"Just come, there is an emergency." Said Yibo cut the call.

After they reached Yibo's palce,

"What happened to you?" Asked Liu in panic.

"Zhan wants to meet me." Said Yibo.

"Aiyyaa!! So, go. Why are you so panicking. You two live together for this 1 month." Said Liu.

"Aiyaa!!! I mean, Wei Wuxian want's to meet Lan Wangji." Said Yibo.

"Now, that's a problem." Said Wang Hao.

"Here is no problems, You love him right? Asked Zhu Zanjin.

Yibo nonded.

"Then just go to him and saud that you are Lan Wangji. It's simple." Suggest Zhu Zanjin.

"But, if he misunderstood me?" Said Yibo.

"If he love you, he won't. If he have no feeling's for you then he will" said Zhu Janjin.

"That's the problem, if don't have feeling for me. I will lose him. And I can't lose him. I just can't. No! No!" Said Yibo.

"So, what are you thinking to do?" Asked Jin Li.

"I think, I know what to do" said Yibo picked his phone from the table and called someone.

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