Chapter : 04

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"I have a message from Lan Wangji". I said with excitement clearly show's in my face.

"Woow!" exclaimed  Wang Hao and Jin Li.

"Good Morning." I replied the message.
Lan Wangji : "What are you doing?"

"Having my breakfast, what about you?"
Lan Wangji : "Oh! I am in sitting with my friend".

"Oh!! Okay talk to you later, I have classes".
Lan Wangji : Oh!! Okay then, bye.

**Writer POV**

After saying bye to Lan Wangji, Zhan and his friends went for class.

Yibo and Liu was still there. They were watching Zhan while he was busy with phone.

"Don't you think Zhan is blushing today?" Liu said to Yibo.
Yibo didn't answer.

Suddenly Yibo said, "Liu let's go for class we are getting late".

Something is wrong with Yibo, Liu was thinking in his mind. Yibo is lost somewhere.

"What happen to you?" Liu asked Yibo.
"Nothing, just walk fast. I don't want to be late in class". Yibo said to Liu.

After reaching class, Yibo looked at Zhan. Zhan was busy with his friends.

**Yibo's POV**

When I saw Zhan, He was with his friends and they were discussing and laughing about something.

Teacher came, we all sit properly for the lecture.

Middle of lecturer, I saw Zhan is sleeping in class. He never did that before. What's wrong with him? Why he is sleeping in class?

After sometime, I find myself starting at Zhan. Oh!!Shit what the hell wrong with me? Why I am staring at him? By the way he sleep, he looks like a bunny which has mole under his lips..Damn,,Ewww!! What the fuck. Why I am thinking about that lunatic. I don't want to think about him. No!!No!!.

"Why are you saying No!No!?" Said Liu with a confusing look.
"Nothing" I replied him.

After the classes, I was in ground with my friend Liu. I was scrolling my phone.
"Hey! Yibo, take a look. Zhan looking so happy. And also he is busy with phone. I think he is in a relationship". Said Liu looking at Zhan.

"I don't know" I replied Liu.
"Why you are so annoying today?" Liu asked me and role his eye's.
"Nothing. I don't know why? But I am feeling not well today."
"Are you having fever? Liu asked me touching my forehead.
I slapped in his hand, and said, no I don't have fever. I am just feeling something is missing today".

"I know what is missing" said Liu with a witching Smile.

"What?" I asked him.
"Just follow me, come on". Said Liu.

Liu stopped infront of canteen. Someone is singing in canteen. Sounds are coming out. "Ahh!!This voice. Who is this guy with such a sweet voice". I said to Liu.

I entered in canteen. All people are surrounding Xiao Zhan. I wondered it was Xiao Zhan, Who was singing. I looked at Zhan and we had a sudden eye contact. I broke theneye contact and get out from canteen.

I was feeling so annoying. Today is not same as others day. I don't have any argument or fight with Zhan. And that's so weird.

"I decided to do something with Zhan" said Liu.
"What you will do?" I asked Liu with smile and curiosity.

"Wait and Watch" said Liu.

After waiting sometime, Zhan and his friends came  out from canteen.

Liu said teasing Zhan "Someone had his first time last night, and he didn't sleep properly last night. So, he was sleeping in class".

Zhan stop walking, snatch water bottle from jin Li, opened it and splash it on Liu's face with full force.

Liu and I was shocked about what Zhan just did.

After few second, I bark in shock, "What the fuck you did that!?

"He deserve it, he just use his dirty mind for teasing me. How dare he!!." Shout Zhan in anger.

"He didn't mention your name. So, why you react like this?" I asked Zhan furiously.

"What you guys think about me? Am I a baby, who can't understand teasing words towards me. I was sleeping in the class and everyone knows that." Said Zhan blast in anger.

"So, you admit it, It was your first time last night." I said mocking him.

Zhan snatch cold coffee from Wang Hao and splashed it on my face. And said "You guy's deserve this, actually no, you guys deserve worse then it.

Me and Liu was just numbed out seeing Zhan's action.

Zhan seems he can kill us with his pen which is he holding tightly in his hand, if we say anything about him at this moment.

"You guys are bastard, I want to kill you guys one day." Zhan cursed while walking out from canteen.

We are surrounded by all students in college. Everyone is used to it, because that's not first time we had this kind of fight.

Last time when we had a fight, Zhan literally climbed on me and scratched my back with his nail's.

Without saying anything we also walk away from canteen.

"That's what I was missing" I said it with a laugh while walking.
"Are you insane?" Liu asked me with anger.

"Yes. I am insane. Didn't you know that?"
"Ahh! Yibo, just look at your shirt that's look so bad." Liu said.

"Its ok, I will wash it."

I am feeling happy...


Yibo was happy after having a fight with Zhan(😂😂)

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