Chapter : 06

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**Yibo's POV**

Xiao Zhan left his phone on table.

Nowadays, I saw him always busy his phone. So, I grasp his phone with curiosity. I saw a bunny's picture on his phone's wallpaper. It seems like I had seen  this bunny somewhere.

He didn't have lock on his phone screen, so, I open his phone. I found a conversation between Xiao Zhan and Lan Wangji. I was shocked. What the hell!! Then I found his weibo account name is Wei Wuxian.
"What the fuck is this?" I screamed.

I took out my phone from my pocket and send a message to my online best friend Wei Wuxian. And I saw Zhan's phone buzzed with a notification it's a message from Lan Wangji.

A few months ago, I was scrolling my newsfeed on weibo. Suddenly, I found a Id name Wei Wuxian. My weibo Id name is Lan Wangji. So, I decided let's have fun with this person.Then I start following him. While scrolling his id I found bunnies pictures all over. One of that picture I commented. Then I knocked him we had fun talk. We became friends, we started to share all our problems and happiness with each other.We were always busy with texting each other and so on. Me, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuixian is online best friends now.

I never thought that Wei Wuxian is Xiao Zhan. I am in shock know. What should I do? But don't know why I had a relief that Xiao Zhan is not in love with someone else.

I walk out from that room with Zhan's phone and guitar and start looking for Zhan. I was feeling very annoying and also feeling happy in same time. It's a weird feeling. I can't describe.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhan appear infront of me. Look's like he remind now that he left his phone and guitar in class. He snatch his.
phone and guitar from me and start walking.

"Hey, listen Who is that Lan Wangji?" I asked Zhan raising my eyebrow.

"What?? You bastard, you checked my phone?" Bark Zhan at me.

"I didn't check your phone, you got a message from Lan Wangji. Its on lock screen. I just saw it. Who is that?"

"He is my boyfriend" Replied Zhan

"Whattttt??? What did you say? Who is Lan Wangji?" I asked in shock

" I said he is my boyfriend. Are you deaf?" Zhan said loudly.

"Oh!! Boy friend. Ok! I don't have any problem." I replied to Zhan

"Did I ask you, you have problem or not. Bastared". Zhan bark and walk out with his phone and guiter.

**Writer POV**

Now that, Xiao Zhan's online best friend Lan Wangji is Yibo. Yibo just found out his online best friend is Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan still know nothing about it. So, Yibo decided that he will not let him know about Lan Wangji's real identity.

Yibo is walking for home and thinking about Xiao Zhan. They are opponents in school and best friends in online. He is happy anyhow.

Someone is calling from behind "Yibo!!Wait for me".

Yibo turn behind and saw it's Liu.

"Why you are here?" Yibo asked Liu.

"Zhu Zhanjin just left for shopping with his friends. So, I am going with you." Liu replied.

"Ohh" said Yibo.

"Hey what's happen? You are looking tensed about something" Asked Liu with curiosity.

"Nothing". Yibo replied with cold face.

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