Chapter : 21

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Zhan and Yibo was hugging each other and crying because they were happy. Yibo was extremely happy. He was waiting for this moment for so long and finally that moment arrived.

"Yayy!!! We are so happy for you both. Finally, finally they confesed. And finally they are together now." Said Zhu Zanjin clapping.

Hearing clapping they broke their hug. Zhan and Yibo looked each other and Yibo placed a kiss on Zhan's cheeks in front of their friends. Zhan was blushing like a tomato. His eyes are still red because of crying.

All of their friends congratulate them.

"Let's go home now. It's already late". Said Zhan.

"Yeah, let's go". Said Yibo.

"Okay. then, Bye". Said Zhan and start walking.

Yibo grabs Zhan's hand and said " where are you going?"

"Ahh, for now we are going drom. But maybe tomorrow, I will shift to my uncle house". Replied Zhan.

"In your dreams, huh!!" Yibo mumble himself.

"What??" Asked Zhan.

"Nothing, for today we all are going to my place". Said Yibo and pull Zhan to him, pick Zhan in his hand in bridal style and start walking.

Wang Hao, Jin Li, Liu and Zhu Zanjin was giggling themselves.

"Ohh God! They are looking so cute! Said Zhu Zanjin.

"Yes, Yibo waited for Zhan so long, so he is very happy. I just pray for their happiness. May God Bless them both" said Liu with a big smile and hugging Zhu Zanjin.

"Awww!! Babe, I love you so much." Said Zhu Zanjin hugging him back.

Looking Zhu Zanjin and Liu's lovey-dovey moments. Wang Hao placed a kiss on Jin Li's forehead and whispered " I love you bae."

Jin Li blush and whispered back " I love you more".

"Are you guy's coming?" Yibo screamed.

"What do you think? Of course, we are coming". Said Liu raising his voice.

"Then, please can you walk first?" Yibo screamed back.

"Yeah, you go on we are coming". Said Wang Hao.


"Zhanzhan, you know what?" Said Yibo smiling.

"What? Asked Zhan.

"I love you so much". Replied Yibo smiling at Zhan.

"I love you more." Said Zhan embraced Yibo's neck with his hand.

"Hey, you both. Don't do it now please, that's a road. Let's go home first." Said Wang Hao.

"Fuck off". Yibo yelled at Wang Hao.

"I will fuck off with my Jin Li" said Wang Hao giving a mischief look at Jin Li.

"Shut up bastard!!" Said Jin Li kicking Wang Hao.

Liu and Zhu Zanjin was giggling themselves.

After reaching home, Yibo made Zhan sit on the couch. And Yibo also sat beside Zhan. Zhan was blushing.

"You look so beautiful when your cheeks turn into red while blushing". Said Yibo cupping Zhan's cheecks.

"I am so hungry, said Wang Hao sitting beside Zhan and Yibo.

Yibo give him a death glare, Wang Hao looked at Yibo and quickly stand up from his position saying " I didn't say anything. Yiu guys carry on".

Zhan start laughing, and said " let me cook something for you guys".

"That's no need. I already ordered food" said Yibo.

"Oh, okay. Thank you Yibo". Said Jin li.

After something their food arrived, Zhan and Yibo arranged foods on table for their friends. Yibo feed Zhan with his own hand. Zhan also feed Yibo back. They were so happy with each other. After dinner, Liu and Zhu Zanjin went their home. Yibo arranged guest room for Wang Hao and Jin Li. And now Zhan and Yibo Is in one room.

It was first awkward situations for both of them. They were in a relationship but, They were going sleep with each other in one room.

"So??" Said Zhan

"So, what to do?" Asked Yibo.

"Who will sleep on the couch?" Asked Zhan.

"Ahh!! let me sleep. You sleep on the bed". Said Yibo.

Zhan didn't deny because he was so tired, he just want to sleep.

"Okay, good night bobo!!" Said Zhan

"Good night, my little cute bunny" Said Yibo pulling Zhan close to him and kissing hin on his cheeks.

Zhan kissed him back and went to the bed. Zhan was sleeping already. He fall in sleep to fast for his tiredness. But, Yibo wasn't able to sleep. So, he get up from the couch and went to the bed, sit beside Zhan.

"Bunny, You look so cute while sleeping. Let me click some photos. Yayy!!" Mumble Yibo himself picking his phone from bed side table and start clicking Zhan's pictures. After clicking hundred pictures of Zhan, Yibo placed his phone and kissed on Zhan's red cherry lips.

"You keep sleeping, let me kiss your over all your face". Yibo giggle himself and start placing soft kiss on Zhan's over all face. First he kiss on Zhan's forehead, then eyes, then his tip of nose, then his red cherry lips and finally on his chin.

"Why you are so sweet". Yibo asked sleeping Zhan. (🙈🙈)

After kissing Zhan enough, he fall asleep cuddling Zhan.

In morning, Zhan wake up and found Yibo was sleeping beside him cuddling him like a baby.

"Why he is here?" Zhan mumble himself.

Zhan didn't wake Yibo up, he quietly took Yibo's phone from the table to watch time.
When Zhan open Yibo's phone, he saw It's a picture of him on Yibo's lock screen.

"Aww!! Yibo, I love you so much baby". Saying Zhan about kiss Yibo's lips, Suddenly Yibo open his face. Zhan was closer to him. Zhan feel awkward so, he quickly get off bed and stand quietly.

" wake up!!" Said Zhan

"Yes, probably in wrong time". Yibo replied.

Zhan smile awkwardly.

Seeing Zhan smile, Yibo get up from, You wanted to kiss me, didn't you?" Asked Yibo slowly walking to his love.


(Let me knwo, if you guys like like this chapter. Don't forget to vote. Love yo guys so much. Stay safe❤️❤️)

(My little sweet sister Ridhita start writing her first Yizhan fanfic

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(My little sweet sister Ridhita start writing her first Yizhan fanfic. She is newbie like me. Her story is really interesting. If you guys have time, you can read her story too)

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