Chapter : 23

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In the morning,

Zhan wake up and, he feel someone's hand in his body

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Zhan wake up and, he feel someone's hand in his body. The slowly turn around and saw Yibo was cuddling him from back. Zham smile and start thinking about last night, how Yibo came to his room like a cry baby. Zhan turn around and kissed Yibo's cheeks. Yibo kissed him back. Zhan was surprised by Yibo's returned kiss.

"Are you waking?" Zhan asked.

No answer came from Yibo. Zhan look clearly Yibo's face. He was still sleeping.

"He kissed me back in sleep!!" Zhan said smiling.

"Zhanzhan, bunny, I love you so much baby." Yibo mumble softly beside Zhan's neck.

Zhan looked at him, he was still sleeping and mumbling in his sleep.

"Maybe, he is having a dream." Zhan said to himself.

"Bobo!! Get up, bobooboboboboboobobo!!" Zhan called Yibo.

"Yibo pull Zhan closer and covered Zhan's lips with his. Yibo was kissing Zhan gently. Zhan looked at Yibo, his eyes was still close.

Zhan break the kiss and get up from the bed. Grap Yibo's hand and pull him from the bed.

"Aiyyaaa!! Zhan Zhan what are you doing?" Said Yibo in surprised.

"You are a bastard. You were pretending to sleep for teasing me all this time." Zhan yelled

"Aiyya!! No Zhan. I was sleeping. I just woke up when, your soft cold lips touch my cheeks. Hihhihih." Said Yibo flirting.

Zhan was blushing by Yibo's word.

Suddenly, Zhan's phone buzzed with a call. Zhan stare at his phone. It was his uncle. He received the call.

"Hello, uncle?"

"Hello, son. How are you?" Asked his uncle.

"Fine, how's your health?" Asked Zhan

"I'm doing fine. Son, you was about come home then, what happened?" Asked Zhan's uncle.

"Uncle, I will come today and also, I have something to discuss about." Said Zhan

"What's the matter son? Is everything okay?" Zhan's uncle ask.

"Yes. There is nothing to worry about. I'm coming now. Wait for me". Said Zhan and cut the call.

"What happen babe?" Asked Yibo.

"Nothing, it was my uncle. I need to visit him today." Said Zhan.

"Waah!! So, when we are going?" Asked Yibo chuckled.

"We?? I'm going not we." Said Zhan

"No! No! I want to go with you. Babe please allow me with you. I promise, I will be a good boy infront of your uncle." Yibo requesting Zhan.

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