Chapter : 39 🔞🔞

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🔞🔞This chapter contain heavy smut. Please skip this chapter if you are not comfortable. 🔞🔞

After Yibo and Zhan's dramatic proposal, they enjoyed their happy evening by seeing sunset with each other in Zhan's favorite park. After that, Yibo and Zhan came to their house. Where Yibo planned another surprise for Zhan. Yibo decorated their bed room beautifully with candle and flowers. Zhan was very happy.

When Zhan went to their bed room window for move all curtain in one side, Yibo came closer to Zhan and hugged him from back.

"Did you like it baby?" Yibo whisper in Zhan's ears.

"I love it, love." Zhan replied.

Yibo break the hug and Zhan turn towards Yibo. Yibo took his chance and sneaked into Zhan's T-shirt.

"Wah!! What are you do..ahh~~~.." Zhan couldn't finished his sentence but moan.

Yibo already started sucking Zhan's nipples one after another under Zhan's T-shirt. And, started roaming on Zhan's back with his fingers.

"Umgh~~" Zhan moan again.

Yibo felt happy hearing Zhan's beautiful moan. Yibo leave Zhan's already swollen niplles with a soft bite. "Mnnnnm~~" Zhan moan and bite his own lower lips.

Yibo took off Zhan's T-shirt. And, looked at Zhan's beautiful milky white body with full of love and lust in his eyes.

"My love, your beauty is increasing day by day. I love you so much." Yibo said and turn Zhan back holding Zhan's waist . Yibo was in back of Zhan and he started placing soft warm kiss ob Zhan's neck.

Zhan was blushing. His cheeks turn red. Now, when Yibo satred kissing him on neck also he can feel Yibo's warm breathing on his neck, both of that making Zhan restless.

"Ugghhh~~" Zhan moan again when bite Zhan's neck softly.

Zhan turn towards Yibo,

"You are making me fucking horny. Don't curse me if you got tired." Zhan said smiling and winked at Yibo.

"Trust me, I won't." Replied Yibo and winked back.

Without wasting time, Zhan connected his lips to Yibo's. They started kissing impatiently. Yibo bumped Zhan on bed without breaking the kiss. Yibo was on top of Zhan. Yibo broke the kiss, took off his T-shirt and throw it away.

"This t-shirts waste our precious time. Huh, I don't wanna wear fucking t-shirt next time." Yibo said

Yibo's words make Zhan laugh. Zhan got up and burst into laugh.

"Don't laugh." Said Yibo and push Zhan on bed again. And, start sucking Zhan's one nipple and started rubbing another with his hand.

"Ahhh~~Mnn~~ Yi~~ahh~~Yibo."Zhan moan feeling sensation on his every body cell.

"Damn!!! Now, you are making me crazy love. And your moan. Keep moaning, I feel happy by your moan." Yibo said with a smile.

Zhan blush hard. He felt embarrassed by his own moan. But, Yibo's rubbing and sucking driving him crazy, he couldn't help himself by moaning.

Yibo connected his lips to Zhan and start kissing Zhan's red cherry lips. They are kissing with full of love and passion. Their tongue exploring every soft corner of their mouth. Their saliva mixed together. Their tongue was moving with rhythm.

Yibo's little brother was torturing him in his pants. Suddenly, Zhan touched Yibo's member over Yibo's pant which is tight enough because of his little brother.

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