Chapter : 15

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Zhan was hiding behind a car which is park in front the house. Door opened slowly and, closed with a bang. A boy came out in orange sleeveless T-shirt. He was wearing a mask, and scrolling his phone. Look like he was going for jogging.

 Look like he was going for jogging

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"Yibo!!! What the... Why he is here? That's Lan Wangji's house. Is hee.. no! That can't possible. No ! No! Wait Is he Lan Wangji?" Zhan thought himself in shock.

 No ! No! Wait Is he Lan Wangji?" Zhan thought himself in shock

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Zhan was in shock. He was just dumbfounded. He just saw Yibo in Lan Wangji'e house. He was here for giving surprise to Lan Wangji, but it seems he got a surprise. He had no sense to realise, what the hell is going on here.

"Is Yibo is Lan Wangji? But.. Is that possible?
Yibo? Why this guy is so mysterious? Ahh!! Fuck. Zhan mumble himself and watch Yibo left that place.

Zhan was also thinking about left that place, when he saw there was a name board hanging on the gate of mansion. There was clearly written 'Wang Mansion'.

"Wang mansion?" That's mean this house  belong to Yibo not Lan Wangji. Shit!! What the fuck I am thinking. This is Yibo's. That's means Yibo is Lan Wangji" Zhan mumble himself while walking towards his favorite park.

Zhan always came this park in evening. But today he was here in morning. People's are jogging and having their morning exercise in park but Zhan was sitting his favorite place. And thinking about Lan Wangji and Yibo.

"Why Yibo is in my head? I didn't understand still. Yibo is Lan Wangj. I just can't take it. Why he is  everywhere in my life. Why why??" Zhan screamed softly, so no one can hear that screamed only he can. Many questions are surrounding in his mind. He was in deep thought suddenly someone tap his shoulder.

"What are you doing here, bunny?"

Zhan turn around it was Yibo.

"Nothing, I am here just for fresh air." Replied Zhan.

"Why so early? You usually came this park in evening. So, why you came here so early." Asked Yibo raising his eyebrows.

"How do you know that I often came here in evening?" Zhan asked.

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