Chapter : 35

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**Zhan's POV**

It's been two day's, Yibo and me didn't spend time together much. Yibo didn't get time because of his fucking assignment. Everyday, He came late at night, then we have our dinner together and he went for sleep. I do all household work the went for sleep. I know, he work hard full day so, he got tried. But, I want to spend some time with my love... Whenever Yibo came home, all time that girl Lu en Jie keep calling Yibo for many reasons. Aiysshh!!! And, yes most importantly, whenever We are in college, whenever we sat together in cafeteria, that kinda slut, fucking nasty girl came between us for many reasons. Like, I just wanna ask teachers why they gave Chance to this nasty idiot girl for graduating. How a person can be so dumb that, she can't even do some simple maths. I mean is she bribe all teacher for admitting here. Fucking duck.. I hate her. I'm missing my bobo so much. I just wanna cuddle him. I just wanna spend more time with him.

Now, I'm sitting on cafeteria alone. Yibo didn't came uni today. His group planned to do assignment outside today. I don't know where. But, I'm just jealous because my Yibo is busy with his assignment and that fucking shit is also with her!! Wang Hao also doing his assignment with his group. Liu Haikuan and Jin Li have their class. I don't have class much. I came in morning, I did two classes one after another. Now, we have class 2 hours later. And, Marius Wang, he is another duck head.. sometimes, I feel strange and uncomfortable with him. It's like, When I'm with him, I feel he is staring at me. I don't know!! But, it's a feeling of mine. Maybe it's not that what I'm thinking.

"Hey, Zhanzhan. What are you doing here alone.?" A certain voice pull me off from train of thoughts.

I look back, It was Marius Wang.

"Woow" I was thinking about this duck head and look he is here." I thought in my mind and give him a smile. It wasn't a smile actually. It was a forceful smile. Smile wasn't coming so, I have to force myself.

"Sorry, I know you are waiting for me. Actually, you know about traffic jam. I was stuck on that." Said Marius Wang taking seat beside me.

"I wasn't waiting for you dumb. I was thinking about my Yibo. I have many works to do beside you. Why you guys are so dumb. You and that fucking bitch." I said but, in my mind. I can't say it lound.

"Hahaha!!" I laughed awkwardly.

"So, did you attend class today or whole time you was waiting for me?" Asked Marius Wang.

See how dumb he is. I mean why you are giving yourself so much importance.

"I attended all class. I love study from childhood. Don't you know that? I mean, I thought you remembered me." I said giving him a fake shocking look.

And, as I hope he was thinking, I was serious. Hearing my words, he looked at me and said, "You want me to remember you?"

"Yup. Just like, do you remember I love coffee. So, can you get it for me." I said him in serious look.

"Oh!! You want coffee. One minute." Said the duck head and went for coffee.

Damn!! Why people are so dumb. My Yibo is best and yeah, of course me. I mean we are best. I'm fucking missing you Yibo. I want you beside me.

"Here is your coffee." Said Marius Wang placing coffee mug in table.

I looked at him and again give him a fake forceful smile.

"Do you know Marius Wang, Sometimes I feel like, I want to smack on your head because of your that eyes, which are always busy staring at me. Fucking shit." I thought in my mind and thanked him.

"You don't have to say thank me. What is mine, that's yours." Said Marius Wang smiling at me.

Hearing him, I literally started coughing, **cough**cough**" what?!!" I asked him coughing.

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