Chapter : 17

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(Chapter 17 already. That's crazy. Thank you guy's for support and love. Love you all❤️❤️)

"What did I just do?" Zhan mumble himself.

"Heheehe!! Why are you guys looking at me strangely?" Asked Zhan taking a sip his cup of coffee.

"Zhan, what did you just do?" Asked Wang Hao.

"What!!!" Zhan asked as if he had done nothing.

"You just threw coffee at Wen Ning" Replied Wang Hao.

"What!! I didn't do that on purpose. I was going to fall. So, it was just an accident. It wasn't my fault." Zhan replied innocently.

"Oh!!!" Said Wang Hao, Jin Li and Liu in combined.

Yibo was laughing taking glance at Zhan.

"Ha!! Why are you laughing?" Asked Zhan giving a crooked look at Yibo.

"No!! I am not laughing." Said Yibo hiding his laugh.

"What's wrong with you guy's?" Said Zhan and start biting his food.

What happened to me that time. Why I behaved like that. Why? Why? I was jealous, am I? No! No! That was first time I saw Yibo laughing with other guy. And I was j.. no!! I think, I am thinking a more. Ah!! Zhan thought in his mind.

"Hey! Zhan let's go." Suddenly said Yibo.

"Ha!!?? Where?" Asked Zhan.

"Outside, it's raining. Come with me." Said Yibo pulling Zhan's hand.

They went outside, Yibo release Zhan's hand and start getting drenched in rain. Zhan was starting at Yibo without blinking.
"Ah!! He is so cute." Zhan mumble himself.

"Hain? Who is cute?" Asked Wang Hao from behind Zhan.

"Ah!? No one." Zhan replied quickly.

"Come! Bunny!!" Yibo called Zhan.

"No! I am okay here." Said Zhan.

Suddenly, Zhan's phone start ringing, its a call from Zhan's Uncle.

Zhan received the call


"Son, how are you?" Asked his uncle.

"I am doing fine, Uncle. How is your health?" Asked Zhan

"Yeah its fine. You can visit me sometimes. I really miss you son." Said his uncle.

"I will uncle, don't worry. Take care of yourself." Said Zhan and cut the call.

"Who was it?" Asked Yibo.

"Oh!! My uncle." Replied Zhan.

"Oh" said Yibo shivering in cold.

"You are shivering!!" Said Zhan panicking.

"Yes! I am wet so, I am feeling cold" Said Yibo.

Zhan take off his jacket, "Take it. And don't ever get drenched in rain. I won't be there for you all time." Said Zhan putting his jacket on Yibo.

Yibo was dumbfounded by Zhan's words. Yibo was happy that Zhan cared about him.

"Bunny!!" Said Yibo looking at Zhan's eye's.

"What!" Said Zhan and looked into Yibo's eye's.

They were looking into each other eyes. That time was paused. It was like, there were butterflies everywhere.

Wang Hao, Jin Li and Liu was looking at them.

"Ahemm!!" Wang Hao maked a sound.

Yibo break eye contact and looked at Wang Hao. Zhan was blushing.

"The rain stopped, so let's go back. And Liu, take Yibo to his home. If he stay here for a long time,  he may catch cold." Said Zhan hiding his blushing face.

Saying good bye, Zhan, Jin and Hao left.

Yibo was happy to see Zhan's concern about him.
"He is worried about me. Isn't he?" Yibo asked Liu.

"Yes. He is worried about you. We all can see this on his face." Replied Liu.

"Will he love me?" Asked Yibo sobbing.

"Definitely, don't worry. And don't cry please. Come let's go now. You may catch cold. " Said Liu.

Yibo start walking hugging Zhan's jacket.

Zhan and his friends are reached in their drom,

Zhan was laying on his bed. Wang Hao and Jin was giggling.

"Why are you guys giggling?" Asked Zhan raising his eyebrows.

"Zhan, I want to ask you something!! But you have to be honest." Said Jin Li.

"What is it?" Asked Zhan.

"Today, you did it on purpose right?" Jin asked

"What?" Zhan asked.

"Ah! I mean, when Wen Ning hugged Yibo. You were jealous, right? And that's why you throw coffee on Wen Ning. Am I right?" Asked Wang Hao.

"What!! What are you guys talking about? Jelouse? And me?? For Yibo?" Said Zhan rolling his eyes.

"Yes, you were jealous. And when Yibo were wet, you took off your jacket and  put it on Yibo. It's because you were worried about him. Just admit it Zhan. You are in love with Yibo." Said Wang Hao.

"Shut up, guys" Zhan yelled at them and laying his bed again.

After something, Zhan's phone ring. He stare at phone it was unknown number. Zhan didn't answer. But, repeated calls were coming from that number. Zhan can't ignore that. So, he received the call.

"Hello! Who is it?" Asked Zhan.

"Yes, I am Xiao Zhan"


"Where!? When?! How?!"

"Where is he now?"

"What is it Zhan? Why are you crying? What happened?" Asked Wang Hao.

Zhan cut the call, Screamed loudly, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Start crying ran out without saying anything.

"Zhan!! Where are you going?" Said Wang Hao.

Zhan didn't reply, he ran out crying.

"What happen ti Zhan?"Asked Jin Li.

"Don't know! Let's follow him." Said Wang Hao and ran out after Zhan.

What happened to Zhan
Any guess??
(Sorry guys for another short chapter)

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