Chapter : 08

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After realization,

Yibo is back home. Yibo is happy about his realization.

"Hey, Yibo where is Zhan" asked Liu

"What the hell!! When you entered in my room without my permission?" Said Yibo in shocked.

"I just entered, when you are smiling like an idiot. Hahahaha" said Liu in laugh.

"Shut up!" Yibo bark at Liu

"So, where is your princess?" Asked Liu trying to controlling his laugh.

" In his drom of course. He have to take rest, his ankle is cracked. So, doctor suggested  him to take rest and have some pain killer." Said Yibo.

"So, why you react like that in school?" Asked Liu.

" What do you mean why? Yuchen pushed Zhan. He was in pain." Replied Yibo

"But you aree....
"I know what do you mean" Yibo cut Liu's sentence before completing

"What? Liu asked

"I am in love with Xiao Zhan. I took a long time for realized that but I can't live without him". Said Yibo hiding his tears.

"Hey buddy, don't worry. I am with you. So, when you will confess to Zhan about your feelings?" Asked Liu raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know. How I will do it. I am afraid to be rejected. Because, He don't like me." Said Yibo hesitated

"You guy's talking to each other for a long time in online. I think you should tell Xiao Zhan that you are Lan Wangji." Liu suggest.

"I don't think it will work. I fear that, if he misunderstood me. Let's just give him time to find out who is Lan.Wangji." Said Yibo.

"Ok! What's your next step?" Asked Liu.

" Nothing. But I just can't tease him, neither you. I just want to be with him. Let's see what happen.". Replied Yibo.

"I have to call Zhan. Liu you can leave now." Said Yibo with cold face.

"Yeah, Zhu Zanjin is waiting for me. See you tomorrow. Bye" Liu left.


Zhan was sleeping for a long time.

"Zhan Zhan you woke up, your phone is ringing from long time. Check it might
something important." Said Wang Hao.

Zhan's phone ringing again , Zhan stare in his phone screen. Its a unknown number. zhan received call.

"Hello! Who is it?" Zhan asked

"Hey, I'm Yibo. Are you fine now?"  Yibo replied from other side.

"You!! Yeah, I am fine" Zhan replied.

"Did you take your medicine?" Yibo asked.

"Yes. I had". Said Zhan

" Be careful. Ok! I am hanging up now." Yibo said.

"How was this?" Asked Hao.

"It was Yibo" Zhan replied.

"What!! Yibo!!" Wang Hao in shocked.

"I don't know what is wrong with him. Why his behaviour changed suddenly. Why he protected me from Yuchen that time, and why he is being so caring suddenly." Said Zhan.

"I think Yibo fall in love with you." Said Jin Li

"Ew!! What are you talking about? Why he would fall in love with me. All the time we meet each other just for fight. But today is different". Said Zhan.

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