Chapter : 10

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After finishing exam,

Yibo is waiting for Liu. He is still writing his paper. "Ayiaaa! You asshole hurry up finish your paper first." Yibo scream loudly for Liu.

After 5 minutes,

Liu finished his paper and walk out from class. Yibo run to Liu from ground.

"Now just say it" Yibo ordered.

"What?" Liu asked teasing Yibo.

" What do you mean by What!? Just say it." Said Yibo panicking

"Ok ! Ok!. Let me tell you. I think it's good a good news that Zhan is in a love...."

"With whom?" Yibo cut Liu's sentence before finishing.

"Let me finished my, Zhan is in love with Lan Wangji." Said Liu rolling his eye's.

"What!!!!!!" Yibo was shocked.

"Yes. He loves Lan Wangji Not you. I mean, he loves you in online not in real life . " Said Liu.

"Now, that's a problem." Said Yibo gloomily.

"Don't worry we will help you just for Zhan's happiness. We don't want to hurt him. We think he has a soft corner for you anyhow. Just because you supported him in online chat or you talk with him with your sincerity, that's why he think he love Lan Wangji." Said Wang Hao from behind Yibo and Liu.

"Yes" we have decided that we will help you guys." Liu agreed with Wang hao and Jin Li.

"Aiyya!!!! You guys are such a cuties. Thank you so much guys. I love him very much. I didn't realize that earlier. But now I know that I just can't live without him. I know, I am making weird sounds but that's the truth." Said Yibo smiling.

"Don't worry we are here. Mission Yizhan. Let's start planning." Said Wang Hao.

"Wait , what!!! Yizhan?" Asked Yibo

"Yes!!! Replied Wang Hao.

" That's cute. I love it." Said Yibo in excitement.

"What's going on here?" Zhan asked  suddenly behind from Hao and Jin.

"Nothing, nothing. We are here for thanked Yibo." Said Jin Li.

"Oh!! Yes. Thank you for helping me." Said Zhan to Yibo.

"Hey! You don't have to give me thanks. I am always here for you. If you need me just call me." Said Yibo winked.

"What!!!hahahah. Zhan said laugh awkwardly.

"Zhan let me help you. I will drop you to your drom." Said Yibo.

" No thanks, Hao and Jin will help me." Said Zhan.

"Oh!! Yes!! We will help him. Don't worry. Said Jin Li.

"Yibo! Talk to you later. Wang hao whispered in Yibo's ears.

"Yeah, okay!! Zhan!! Take care please. I want to disturb you whole life. Please get well soon." Said Yibo winked.

Zhan didn't reply he just left with Jin Li and Wang Hao.

**Zhan's POV**

What is happening with me. Yibo!! My enemy my opponent, he is taking care of me. He helped me yesterday. He carried me. Suddenly he is being so sweet with me. But he looks cute when he being sweet with me. Wahh!!!wahhh!!! What the hell I am thinking. Zhan thought in his mind.

**Writer POV**

Zhan's phone buzzed with notification. Its a message from Lan Wangji.

Lan Wangji : Hey, Bunny?

Wei Wuxian : What are you doing?

Lan Wangji : Nothing especial. As usual.

Wei Wuxian : Oh!! Can I ask you something?

Lan Wangji : Yes!! Sure.

Wei Wuxian : What's love means to you?

Lan Wangji : For me love is like you sweet.

Wei Wuxian : For me love is like blessings. I don't have parents. My uncle raise me. He loves me very much. For me he didn't get married. I don't have much people who love me. Who took care of me.

Lan Wangji : Hey bunny, don't cry please. I am here for you. If you need me just call me.

Wei Wuxian : Mnn! Today one of my friend's said this same thing  if I need him, I can call him..haha!!

Lan Wangji : Your friend?

Wei Wuxian : Kind of friend. Like, he is my opponent in school but still he helped me a lot. He took care of me. He fight with one bad guy just for me. So, I think he is kind of friend. I don't know.

Yibo is happy with Zhan's reply. Yibo is happy because Zhan called him friend. So , what Zhan called him kind of friend. But, it's friend. That's enough for first stage.

Lan Wangji : Oh! That's seems interesting.

Wei Wuxian : There is nothing interesting.

Lan Wangji : Can I ask you something?

Wei Wuxian : Yes! Sure.

Lan Wangji : You wanted to see me right. But if you don't like me after seeing my face?

Wei Wuxian : I don't judge people by their face. I believe that face is just for showing off. I judge people by their humanity, sincerity, personality.

Lan Wangji : Aiyya!! Relief.. I will meet you as soon as possible.

Wei Wuxian : I am waiting for you..

Lan Wangji : Talk to you later. I have something to do. Take care. Don't forget to take your medicine on time.

Wei Wuxian : Yeah ok...

After having a good conversation with Lan Wangji.

Zhan is thinking about Yibo. Today he carried me to class room. Everyone  saw that. Yesterday, he had fight with Yuchen just for me. I am that important?" Zhan said in his mind..

"Hey! What are you thinking?" Wang hao asked.

"Nothing." Replied Zhan.

"Thinking about Yibo?" Asked Hao while laughing.

"Ye...I mean no." Said Zhan.

"Yeah! Yeah! We can understand.." said Jin Li.

"What?" Asked Zhan in confusion.

"Did you notice Yibo is changed suddenly?" Asked Hao to Zhan.

"I was thinking about that" Zhan mumble

"So, you were thinking about him." Asked Hao raising his eyebrows and laughing.

"Zhan do you love Lan Wangji for real?" Asked Jin Li

"I think so. I mean yes. I'm little bit confused about something. So, I am just working on It after that I will tell you guys. Whom I love.

Suddenly, Zhan's phone start ringing...

It's a call from Yibo.


..Sorry guys for short chapter..
Hope you will like it
Thank you for all support's
Love you all

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