Chapter : 36

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**Author's POV**

After Receiving message from a unknown number, Yibo leave his assignment and leave for Chongqing Sheraton Hotel.

After an hour Yibo finally reached the hotel and directly went to the reception.

"Hello, how can I help with you sir?" Asked the receptionist.

"Is there any booking by the name of Xiao Zhan?" Asked Yibo.

"Let me check sir." Said the receptionist and check their guest record.

After few moments the receptionist said, "Yes sir. The room number is a booking by the name Xiao Zhan."

"What's the room number?" Asked Yibo.

"It's '302' on 3rd floor." Said the receptionist.

Yibo thanked him and walk to the lift press the button for 3rd floor.

After few seconds, door open at 3rd floor. Yibo got out from the lift and start searching for room no 302. After passing 4 room in a raw, he finally found the room. 

Yibo knocked the door few times but, nobody came. So he try to open the door, Alas!! It was already opened. So, Yibo went inside with a hesitation. The room was dark, candles was everywhere. Yibo found the switch and turn all lights on. But, there were no one in the room.

"Xiao Zhan!!! Xiao Zhan!!! Where are you?" Yibo started screaming.

Suddenly he felt, someone hugged Yibo from behind. But, he immediately feel that was not Xiao Zhan. Yibo love Xiao Zhan, everyday they spend whole night cuddling each other. It was not so difficult for Yibo to recognize Zhan's touch and others touch.

Realizing It's not Zhan, Yibo immediately back away and turn back, It was Lu Yen Jie. Wearing short sluty dress showing off his breast and leg. The dress she was wearing is too short and everything is perfectly showing through the dress.

"What the fuck you are doing here?" Yibo asked pushing Lu Yen Jie away.

"Ahh!! My baby, I'm here for you. And, you are also here for me. I know." Said Lu Yen Jie walking closer to Yibo and trying to seduce him.

Yibo push Lu Yen Jie again and said, "So, it was your plan."

"Baby, I love you so much and I know you like me too. And, I did this all for us. Zhan won't come here baby. So, let's just enjoy our night." Said Lu Yen Jie coming close to Yibo rubbing her boobs with Yibo's chest.

"Hey, bitch for your kind information, I love asshole and dick. Just keep in your mind I have boyfriend and I love him. You sluty bitch just stay away from me." Yibo scream loudly.

"Mind your language, Yibo. You can't call me slut. I love you so I did this. I want to be with you please." Said Lu Yen Jie and hugged Yibo immediately.

Yibo was trying to get of  from her when a loud clapping sound catch their attention.

"Xiao Zhan. You are getting it wrong." Said Yibo and pushed Lu Ye jie

"Woow!!!!" Zhan exclaimed.

"Zhan please, I can explain." Said Yibo walking closer to Zhan.

Seeing Yibo coming towards him, Zhan took few steps back. And said, "Yibo, I loved you and What did you do ?"

"Zhan please, it's not that you are thinking. Please baby give me a chance to explain all of this shit. Please, I'm beginning you." Said Yibo literally begging to Zhan.

"Stay away from me Yibo. You know what, I'm just shocked right now. All of that time, I was thinking that you are busy with your assignment but, here you are.. you are busy with this sluty bitchy whore. Woow!! Yibo, You know what, Marius Wang was right. You are literally busy with this whore." Said Zhan furiously.

"Zhan please, you can't say that. I'm here because you send me message from another number saying that you're phone is dead and you want to give me a surprise." Said Yibo

"What!!! Me?? Why I send you a message telling you for come here. I can arrange surprise in our home right?? Also, my phone is not dead. So, can you just stop your excuses? Said Zhan

"Zhan don't you trust me? Don't you trust your boyfriend?" Asked Yibo

"Trust? Look who are talking about trust. Sometimes ago, I saw you standing their hugging this girlnd, you are asking me, I trust you or not?" Said Zhan.

"Zhan please stop it. You are getting me wrong. Sometimes there is more then you saw or hear. So, please can you just hear me out. Can you just give a chance for explaining everything please?" Yibo requested grasping Zhan's hand.

Zhan shake Yibo's hand off and again took few steps back.

"Mr. Wang Yibo. From now on, we don't share any kind of relationship between us. Is it clear?" Said Zhan.


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