Incorrect quotes#1

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Hachi: I'm out of chicken! How am I gonna make fried chicken for dinner tonight?

Phoenix: (Enters the kitchen) Hey guys!

Gabriel: There's your chicken.

Twilight: (Blushes) Aishiteru!

Hyakkkimaru: (Not focusing) Huh?

Twilight: I said, what's with you?!

Joker: I bet five treasures the ghost will appear here right now!

Hachi: Joker-San, there's no gho-

Spade: (Appears in front of them, sipping tea) What ghost?

Joker: See?!

Hachi: Joker-San, the stove is not working again!

Joker: So?

Hachi: How am I gonna cook dinner tonight?!

Joker: Use Yawning Jerk.

Spade: Who ate the strawberry cake?!

Joker: Not me!

Rose: It wasn't me either.

Spade: Then who?! (Sees Queen passing by with cream on her face) Never mind, I found the culprit.

Hyakkkimaru: (Stops walking, blocks Phoenix) Shh...

Phoenix: What's wrong?

Hyakkkimaru: Someone is watching us, I can sense it.

Phoenix: (Turns his head behind to find a tall tree with Twilight hiding in it) Don't worry, she's no harm towards us.

Hyakkkimaru: Who are you referring to?

Spade: (Runs five laps then faints)

Gabriel: What th-

Joker: Oh, Spade died.

Phoenix: (Grumbles) Who on Earth gave me a box of chocolates?! I hate sweet food! (Sees Joker) I might as well give this to him, I don't wanna waste food.

Joker: (Sees Phoenix) Yo!

Phoenix: (Hands the chocolates to Joker) Here, someone gave me this and we all know I HATE sweet food.

Joker: (Takes the chocolates) Awww, thanks!

Twilight: (Emerges from her hiding spot with Gabriel) Aha!

Gabriel: Our ship sails!

Phoenix: You two?! This is not what it looks like.

Gabriel: Ya sure? Your action speaks otherwise.

Twilight: We know your little secret, Phoenix.

Gabriel: Face it, Akai. You can't deny the truth!

Twilight: So true! (Runs away with Gabriel).

Phoenix: (Chases the girls) Get back here!

Gabriel: Nope! This ship needs to sail on the shining night sea, so we're out of here!

Joker: (Nervously sweats) What's going on?

Captain Blue: (Runs away from a squid demon) Ahhh!!! Help!!! I'm too young to die!!!

Joker: (Sees Blue running in his direction, sticks out his foot) Hehe.

Captain Blue: (Trips on Joker's foot, falls down) Ouch.

Joker: (Pretends) Oops, I didn't see you coming.

Spade: My life is so miserable!

Joker: Why's that?

Spade: Because you're in it.

Queen: (Gasps)

Joker: (Inhales sharply)
Hewo!😊 I hope you like this chapter!💕 A special thanks to Deku2410 and HyperCartoonFan20! Gabriel, I bet you understand what I meant in joke eight XD

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