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Joker, swinging a knife: So you've come to learn something from me?

Blue, sweating like hell: To learn how to be more brave to be precise and. . . KEEP THAT KNIFE AWAY FROM ME! *hides underneath the table*

Joker: . . . *throws away the knife*

Hyakkimaru: *nearly got hit by it* Oi! Watch where you throw that!

Joker, clearing his throat: Fine, I'll help you

Blue: R-really? *jumps out from underneath the table and hugs him* Thank you so much! >w<

Blue: What's my first lesson? :3

Joker, smirking: Overcoming your fears. You have a lot of them, no?

Blue: *Turns red* Unfortunately, I do

Joker: Then I guess you are afraid of having s** too

Blue: . . . Excuse me?

Joker: I want you to overcome that fear first :D *brings in Simon*

Blue: What is HE doing here?!

Joker: He's here as your s** partner =w=

Blue: Joker, don't—

Joker, pushing him and Simon into a room: Have fun you too ^^ *slams the door shut* He'll thank me later for this

Hyakkimaru: . . . I doubt that

Joker: Stop being so salty >:(

*:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:*

Inspired by pholue 's comment on my previous chapter

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