A vampire friend and a secret partner

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At the Twin Thunder Sharks...

Spade: (Sipping tea) Ah, this is quite relaxing.

Dark Eye: It sure is, Spade-sama.

Suddenly, Spade's phone rang. He placed his cup of tea on the table and proceeded to answer the call.

Spade: (On the line) Hello? Who's this?

Mysterious person: Hello, it's me, Spade-san. I wanted to inform you that I'll be coming back.

Spade: Oh! It's you! That's great news, you could finally meet my new friends too! When are you coming back?

Mysterious person: I'll be back in about 20 minutes or so.

Spade: Okay, I'll get Dark Eye to fetch you then we could meet up with the others.

Mysterious person: Sounds like a plan. Bye (hangs up).

Spade: Bye (closes phone). She's coming back.

Dark Eye: She is? That's great news! We hadn't seen her for a while.

Spade: Dark Eye, get ready, you'll be fetching her.

Spade: Yes, Spade-sama.

Meanwhile at the Midnight Sky...

Twilight: (Checks her calendar) Oh! Today's the day I had promised to visit her! This is so exciting! I'm sure my other friends would like her!

Berry: (Enters her room) Like who?

Twilight: (Winks) Secret.

Kitty: Are you talking about Hyakki-

Twilight: N-no! I was referring to someone else who is a girl.

Berry&Kitty: And who is this secret friend of yours? (Glares at each other) Stop copying my words! No, you stop it!

Twilight: (Giggles) Aww, you two look so cute when you're mad at each other.

Kitty: I disagree.

Berry: Me too.

Twilight: Well, I don't. Anyway, we're heading to see the others, any idea where they might be?

Berry&Kitty: Most probably hanging out at the Sky Joker (glares at each other) STOP COPYING MY WORDS!!!

Twilight: (Nervously sweats) Um, thanks for the suggestion.

Berry&Kitty: No problem (glares at each other) S T O P-

Twilight: Who wants ice cream?

Kitty: Me! Me!

Berry: Me too!

Twilight: Okay! (In her mind: Phew, luckily I know how to calm them down)

At the Sky Joker...

Joker: Yawning Jerk! Come back here!

Phoenix: Nope!

Joker: Why you son of a chicken!

Phoenix: I'm not a chicken!

Joker: I don't care!

Beryl: Would they ever shut up?

B.M: I eardrums might explode.

Lupin: I'm loosing my cool here. SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!!!

Hachi: I give up! They won't listen!

Shadow: Allow my Bloody Rain to do the talking.

Hyakkimaru: No!

Queen: You would kill them instead!

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