Incorrect quotes #5

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Joker: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?

Hyakkimaru: Strong?

Shadow: Weak.

Phoenix: An idiot.

Queen: I can't decide whether to buy white chocolate or dark chocolate (sighs).

Roko: Look what I found! Strawberry flavored chocolate!

Queen: (Throws away the chocolates from her hands) I think I've made up my mind!

Random Guy: (Throws tea in Shadow's face) Oops.

Shadow: You'll pay for this!

Random Guy: Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?

Shadow: Two words, Bloody Rain! (Shoots the guy) Hahaha!

Silver Heart: I'm still young and active.

Spade: Um...

Silver Heart: Don't believe me? I'll prove it! (Stretches body) See? I'm as flexible as a- OUCH! MY BACK! (Drops down).

Spade: I'll call the ambulance.

Joker: Battleaxe (points at Queen)

Queen: Um...

Joker: Peacock! (Points at Spade)

Spade: Excuse me?!

Joker: Dark Jerk (points at Shadow)

Shadow: I'm gonna Bloody Rain yo-

Joker: Rose is a pink dumpling.

Rose: Is that a compliment or an insult?

Joker: (Turns to Hyakkimaru) Ninja that is obsessed with chikuwas.

Hyakkimaru: I'm offended.

Joker: Hachi is the crybaby.

Hachi: And what are you?!

Joker: I'm the Miracl-

Hachi: The guy who trashes a cleaned room in five minutes!

Twilight: What is your fear?

Joker: Cats!

Phoenix: Water!

Spade: Not looking my best and Fake Spade.

Queen: Yucky things and being fat.

Hachi: Losing my friends and family.

Captain Blue: Everything!

The others: (Falls down in a dramatic way) For real?!

Phoenix: (Sees a face scanner) Blazing phoenix! What is that thing?! It scanned my face! It must be trying to search my weakness! (Burns the scanner).

FBI: Hey you! Why did you set the FBI'S face scanner on fire?!

Phoenix: So this thing won't kill me? That's a relief.

FBI: I'm turning you in for destroying our scanner! (Chases Phoenix).

Phoenix: Oh shoot! Not again! (Runs off).

Captain Blue: Thunderstorms are s-scary (hugs teddy bear) Hugging this bear actually makes me feel calmer.

Suisei: (Opens the door) Oh, hi.

Captain Blue: (Throws away the teddy bear) It's not what it looks like!

Gabriel: (Eats ten cups of extra spicy ramen) This is hot!

Phoenix: What are you even trying to do?

Gabriel: (Burps out fire in Phoenix's face) That! I was trying to see if I could breath out fire after eating ten cups of extra spicy ramen. Looks like it worked!

Phoenix: (Wipes his face) Congratulations.

Twilight: Always smile and love yourself!

Shadow: Always frown and hit yourself!

Twilight: Dude, you gotta see a therapist soon.

Shadow: No thank you. I'm perfectly fine. I'm just embracing the inner darkness in me.

Twilight: (Sweats nervously) Okay?

Inspector Oniyama: (Chasing Beryl) Come back here!

Beryl: Nu-uh! (Eats a banana then throws the skin on the ground)

Inspector Oniyama: (Steps on the banana skin) What the- (falls down the staircase)

Beryl: That's one way to stop Onibaka from chasing me.
I hope you enjoyed these little jokes. I apologize if you disliked them. Stay shining!💖💜🌌

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