💕Love Struck💕

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Chaos was everywhere. Arguments filled the atmosphere. Apparently, Joker, Spade and Shadow were arguing about a treasure from their heist together earlier and were arguing on who should keep the treasure.

Queen: Oh my, this is getting a bit...

Rose: Childish?

Queen: Yeah. You guys, stop arguing!

Joker: Never! I'm the rightful owner of this treasure!

Spade: But we all cooperated to get treasure so we all have a fair share in it

Shadow: Yeah, I agree with peacock here

Spade: I'm not a peacock!

Joker: But you act like one

Spade: Not this again!

Twilight: (Yawns) What's going on?

Queen: Three phantom thieves are arguing about a treasure

Rose: Did you just woke up?

Twilight: (Tries to lie) W-what? Of course not. It's not like I stayed up all night reading manga (nervously sweats)

Gabriel: (Narrows eyes) Right..

Moonlight: Takashi is coming over with Kichiro and a few other friends

Twilight: Really? That's great!

Suisei: Oh yeah, Takashi would follow wherever Twilight goes

Crimson: Mr Weak is coming? Meh, at least I get to hug his demon cat, Kichiro

Kimi: Hey everyone!

Leo: Hi Kimi!

RSN: Hi!

Twilight: Hi Kimi! Want a cupcake?

Kimi: Sure and, I brought a special someone with me

Hyakkimaru: Who is it, Kimi?

Kimi: Come Sakure, you can come out now

Behind Kimi, stood a little boy with tan skin, vintage red hair with magenta highlights at the ends in a low ponytail with the bangs covering his right eye, a pair of pink eyes and a scratch mark on his left cheek.

He wore the Koga family ninja suit with a magenta scarf wrapped around his neck with a white sakura crest, a pair of white socks with brown Japanese sandals. He gave a shy smile then hid behind Kimi again. Kimi chuckled and took out a lilac scarf with a pink sakura crest on it then wrapped it around her neck.

Twilight: (Bends down) Hi Sakure, I'm Sara. How are you?

Sakure: (Shyly) I'm good

Twilight: Kimi, is Sakure your friend?

Kimi: Actually, Sakure is my seven-year-old brother

Hyakkimaru: You have a brother?

Twilight: I thought you said you were an only child

Kimi: You can't blame me. I can't reveal every detail of the future

Spade: She has a point

Twilight: So this means I have a daughter and a son in the future?

Hyakkimaru: With me

Twilight: Y-yeah

Sakure: (Hugs Twilight) Hi Mommy

Twilight: (Pats his head) Hihi, hello Sakure

Jazz: (Enters) Time to rule the worl- (sees the situation) Is this a family reunion?

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