A trip to Suisei's clinic

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Suisei: Bye! And please be careful!

Patient: Okay! Thanks again!

Suisei was about to close her clinic for the day when a large group of people entered her place.

Suisei: What happened to you guys?!

Joker: I was skateboarding on the top of the Sky Joker then, I fell down! Luckily, I survived the fall but broke several parts of my body!

Spade: I was looking into one of Joker's inventions and it exploded in my face!!!

Queen: I drank diet coke as a part of my diet and now I'm suffering stomachaches!

Phoenix: I fell into the ocean because some idiot threw a rock in my face!

Shadow: I challenged myself to walk in the castle while blindfolded and accidentally walked right into a concrete wall!!!

Rose: I was flying in the castle and accidentally flew into the chandelier!

Captain Blue: The waves were wild and caused me to knock my head on the wheel then fell overboard into the ocean!

Lupin: I tried jumping over a manhole but failed and ended up falling into the sewers!

Hyakkimaru: I tried throwing shurikens in a bouncy house and for some reason, they bounced back at me!

Twilight: I tried casting a complex spell while blindfolded and ended up having the whole thing exploding in my face because I read the spell wrongly!

Gabriel: I ate too much spicy ramen and now I'm having a bad stomachache too but I don't regret it one bit.

Moonlight: I stared at Joker's straight flash more than I should and now my vision is blurry (tries to glare at Joker).

B.M: Spider Ace mistaken me for a serial killer and shot spider web at my face. Now, I have difficulty with breathing!

Spider Ace: (Nervously sweats) Sorry again.

Beryl: I ate every single chocolate in the sweet shop and now I have more than one cavity.

Halsey: I was taking a stroll in the park when some fella stuck his foot out, causing me to trip on his foot and fall down face planted on the ground! My forehead really hurts now!

Ai: Spade-sama accidentally threw a hard cover book at my head because he said he saw a mosquito.

Rei: I tried doing some K-POP like dances and twisted all my body joints.


Agent Silver: (Coughs) I tried singing a song to cheer up a little girl. When I opened my mouth, a fly entered in my throat.

Silver Heart: My back is broken because Inspector Oniyama landed on me!

Inspector Oniyama: I was only trying to stop you from stealing a valuable necklace, I didn't mean to hurt you.

Suisei: I'm calling the FBI!

Inspector Oniyama: Oh no! Not again! (Runs away).

Viridian: Someone put glue in my pizza. I'm feeling very sticky on the inside now.

Hayami: I was pushed down the darn staircase!

Princess Paprika: I mistaken an onion for pomegranate and ate it. Now, I'm feeling very sad on the inside.

Hosshi: A chef tried to cook me alive!

Roko: I was chased by a mad scientist because I could talk. I now have terrible nightmares.

Nightmare: Did someone called me?

Roko: No!

Nightmare: Oh, I'm suffering from public humiliation thanks to Joker and Viridian.

Hachi: A giant brick fell on me!

Momo: A dagger was swung to my face!

Ginko: I fell down in the subway because my stupid heels broke!

President D: I just realized I ate too much raw meat.

Simon: I mistaken red diesel for blood and...you don't want to know what's happening on the inside.

Rei Dragon: On my last mission, I had to enter an old house filled with rats which is my fear. Now I'm seeing rats everywhere I go.

Kurumi: I fell down from a tree.

Shino: I was chased by a chainsaw!

Berry: I nearly died in quicksand because of Kitty! (Glares at her).

Kitty: Berry threw a poisonous frog at me! (Glares at her).

Sirius: (Stuck in a pipe) I believed I don't have to explain anything to you since my problem is very obvious.

Gin: (Covered in caramel) I'm in a sticky situation here.

Slither: My skin is too dry.

Kuro: I thought garlic was marshmallows and ate it. I regret it now.

Hyeon Ju: I thought I drank apple juice but turns out, it wasn't apple juice at all!

Miki: My phone electrified me!

Suisei: Excuse me for a awhile (leaves)

Joker: Where is she going?

Twilight: Who knows?

Suisei entered a sound proof room and screamed at the top of her lungs. Yup, she was stressed about it.
UwU Why am I publishing this chapter at midnight??? Meh. RyokoWriter sorry if this wasn't what you expected. Stay shining!💖💜🌌

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