A nickname for Hyakkimaru

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Joker: Hey, Hyakkimaru.

Hyakkimaru: Yeah?

Joker: I'm trying to think of a nickname for you.

Hyakkimaru: Why?

Joker: 'Cause, why not?

Shadow: (Rolls his eyes) You really are annoying.

Joker: Why, thank you.

Phoenix: What about Ninja Kid?

Joker: That's a way to common nick name. We need something unique for him.

Phoenix: (Mumbles) You really are interesting.

Joker: Huh?

Phoenix: Nothing!

Hyakkimaru: What do you have in mind?

Joker: (Smirks) Chikuwa Boy!

Spade: Why 'Chikuwa' Boy?

Joker: 'Cause Hyakkimaru is fond of chikuwas....

Hyakkimaru: True

Joker: And he even has a secret stash of them!

Hyakkimaru: (Blushes due to embarrassment) H-hey....why did you tell them that?

Joker: Hyakkimaru is blushing, eh? Anyways, I really think Chikuwa Boy suits you.

Queen&Rose: Hyakkimaru is blushing? (Turns their heads to the blushing boy) Kawaii~ Chikuwa Boy is so cute~

Hachi then entered the room. He was surprised to see the red shade on Hyakkimaru's face.

Hachi: Hyakkimaru-San, why is your face red?

Roko: Joker gave him a nickname.

Hachi: And that is?

Hosshi: Chikuwa Boy~

Hachi: (Giggles) I can see why. I think it's cute.

Rose: I know, right?

Queen: So cute~

Joker: You're welcome by the way.

Hyakkimaru: I....um....uh....thanks?

Phoenix: You should be happy he called you Chikuwa Boy. He calls me Yawning Jerk.

Joker: That's because you yawn 24/7.

Phoenix: Can't argue with that.

Captain Blue: I used to be called Seasick Pirate.

Spade: Ouch!

Captain Blue: Well, I can't blame them. When I was younger, I constantly got seasick.

Shadow: But you're a pirate!

Captain Blue: I know that but, I had a weak stomach at that time. You can't blame me for that.

Roko&Hosshi: He's right.

Princess Paprika: Poor little pirate.

Inspector Oniyama: You people are weird.


Inspector Oniyama: The door was open.

Joker kicked Inspector Oniyama out of the Sky Joker.

Joker: Problem solved (sees everyone staring at him). Don't worry, he has a parachute with him.

Inspector: (Falling down) JOKER!!!

So I bet you're all wondering, why "Chikuwa Boy?" To be honest, I have no idea. I found it cute and I was like, "Wouldn't this make a cute nickname for Hyakkimaru?" Anyways, stay awesome and welcome to the shining night!🌟🌌☄

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