10 things not to do when you're out on the street, alone

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(A/N: So this was inspired by one of my favorite YouTuber, GuavaJuice. I really love his videos especially his 10 things not to do series😹)

1. Don't accept candy from strangers

Sara: (Walking to the book store)

Stranger: Hey kid!

Sara: (Turns around) Yes?

Stranger: I'm giving out free samples of my homemade candy. Want some?

Sara: Sure!

Stranger: (In mind: Hihi I already put in drugs in the candy. This kid will pass out the minute she eats it)

Sara: (About to eat one)

Suisei: (Slaps the candy away) What did I tell you about receiving candy from strangers?

Sara: That it's not safe?

Suisei: Exactly, go back home!

Sara: But-

Suisei: No buts!

Sara: Fine (walks back home)

Suisei: (Surrounded by dark aura) Hey stranger!

Stranger: Y-yes?


Stranger: Eeek! Don't kill me!

2. Don't forget to bring your cloak

Simon: (Goes out) AHHH! IT BURNS!

Captain Blue: What burns?


Captain Blue: Why aren't you wearing your cloak?

Simon: I left at home- ouch!

3. Don't dance in the middle of the road

Joker: It's Joker time! (Does a break dance) Oh yeah!

Inspector Oniyama: (Driving car) What a peaceful day toda- Woah! (Does an emergency break) What the heck?!

Joker: Oi! You nearly hit me!

Inspector Oniyama: Me?! Who asked you to dance in the middle of the road?!

Joker: Myself! I do what I want and get away with it! Hah!

4. Always look left and right before crossing the road

Phoenix: Oooh, there's spicy ramen on the other side of the road! (Crosses without looking left and right)

Lorry driver: (Whistles) Can't wait to get back home after a long day of work

The lorry driver didn't see Phoenix crossing the road and accidentally rammed him over!

Lorry Driver: What the? Never mind, I must be imagining things again (continues driving)

Phoenix: (On the road) I'm still alive!

5. Don't prank on the street

Joker: (In a bush, sees Silver Heart Coming) Ohohoho, this is gonna be good

Silver Heart: I can't wait to meet up with Purple! My dear Purple

Joker: (Jumps out) Surprise!

Silver Heart: Oh my! (Back gives way then gets a heart attack)

Joker: Master, are you okay?

Silver Heart: (Unconscious)

Joker: Oh no! He's dead! (Runs off) I didn't kill him! He died due to a natural cause!

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