10 things not to do when in a graveyard at night

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1. Don't make noise at the graveyard

Phoenix: Joker! Where are you?! You said you wanted me to meet up with you at this "graveyard"

Joker: (Behind a bush) Pffft, that Yawning Jerk is so dumb

Phoenix: Joker?! Where the heck are you?!

Ghost lady: (Comes out from a grave) Oi! Don't you know it's late?! You're supposed to respect graveyards! Stop shouting!

Phoenix: Holy! It's a "ghost"! What should I do?

Joker: (Sees the ghost) Uh, I'm heading back. She doesn't seem happy (leaves)

Ghost lady: Hey weirdo!

Phoenix: Me?

Ghost lady: Who else would I be talking to?! Anyway, get lost!

Phoenix: Or else?

Ghost lady: Or else I'll haunt you with your fear!

Phoenix: (Thinks of water) No way! I'm out of here! (Runs out)

Ghost lady: Rude kid, he didn't even apologize

2. Don't take selfies

Lupin: (Takes out phone) Selfie! (Takes several selfies) Oh, I look good

Lupin went to check his photos but was greeted by a great shock.

Lupin: W-who's that figure behind me in the picture? Why was he making a peace sign? (Suddenly feels something on his shoulders)

???: Boo!

Lupin: AHHH! (Dashes out)

Beryl: Ohohoho, I love my job! Scaring my friends sure is fun!

3. Don't claim the graveyard as your home

Security: Hey you! What are you doing with that pillow and blanket?!

Simon: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to rest!

Security: You can't sleep here!

Simon: Yes, I can. I live here!

Security: Nonsense! (Shines light at Simon)

Simon: Ahh! I can't see! Too bright!

4. Don't disrespect the dead

Shadow: (Looks at Professor Clover's grave) Hah! Sucks to be you underneath there! I'm so glad you died is a painful way! That's what you get for hurting Rose!

Professor Clover: (Arises from the grave) Shadow, don't you know that I can still haunt you?

Shadow: Oh yeah? Taste my Bloody Rain! (Shoots at him)

Professor Clover: (Laser when through) Ouch? How pathetic!

Shadow: (Gasps) It didn't work? It didn't work?!

5. Don't play hopscotch

Jazz: (Hops) One! Two! Three! Fou- (trips on a root, hits a tombstone) Ow, my head!

Sassy: I told you not to play hopscotch at here! But did you listened to me?! No! You didn't!

Jazz: Okay, I'm sorry. Could you help me?

Sassy: (Pulls Jazz up) Plus, the tombstone you hit was Grandma's

Jazz: (Gasps) What have I done?

6. Don't try to summon a spirit

Luna: (Chants some words)

Twilight: Is this a good idea? We're in a graveyard

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