Far from a joke

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Everyone was chilling out at the Twin Thunder Sharks while Joker was out on a heist, alone. Hachi wanted to follow Joker but he insisted Hachi stayed back, thinking it might be a little too dangerous for the little ninja.

Spade was drinking tea while reading a book when he's phone rang. Spade placed his book and tea down to answer his phone. Surprisingly, it was a call from Joker.

Spade: Hello, Joker? How was your heist?

Joker: (Sobbing) S-Spade.....

Spade: (Shocked) Joker? What's wrong?! (Places the call on speaker).

Joker: I-I'm s-sorry....

Queen: Sorry for what? Joker, are you alright?

Rose: Are you injured?

Twilight: Are you dying?

Luna: (Lightly smacks her head) What kind of a question is that?

Twilight: Hehe, sorry. Just trying to make sure he's not dying.

Joker: I-I'm sorry for being a burden to all of you....

Hachi: Joker-San, why are you saying this?!

Joker: I just realised that.....I've landed you guys in all sorts of trouble, risking your lives..... what kind of a friend am I?

Shadow: Fool, everyone makes mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Joker, you're always trying your best to make things right, setting things back on track. So why are saying this?!

Rose: Did somebody said something that hurt your feelings?

Luna: I highly doubt that.

Joker: N-no, nothing like that..... the thought just appeared in my mind. I don't wanna burden you guys anymore (sobs).

Silver Heart: Joker, you're never a burden to us. Please come back and maybe we could talk this out.

Joker: N-no, it won't happen.

Hachi: W-what do you mean, Joker-San? Why not?

Joker: B-because, I'm not coming back. This m-may be the last time you'll hear my v-voice (continues to sob).

Twilight: What do you mean?!

Luna: What are you saying?!

Lupin: Joker, don't scare us.

Joker: I want to c-commit s-suicide.....


Silver Heart: Joker! This isn't funny!

Spade: Quit joking around, Joker.

Joker: Y-you t-think I'm joking, do you? That's the problem, to you, everything about me is a joke.....I'm a joke. It's even part of my name. Nobody can take me seriously because I'm nothing but a mere joke.

Phoenix: Don't say that! You're not a joke!

Roko: He's right, Joker, don't think of yourself like that.

Hosshi: Please come back.

Joker: I'm sorry b-but that's n-not an option.

Captain Blue: Joker, you're always telling me that committing suicide is not worth it at all.

Joker: I have, haven't I?

Captain Blue: Then why are you doing it?! What happened to the Miracle Maker that I know? That we know?

Joker: He's gone, that's what happened.

Berry: I know we've just met but, please don't make the wrong choice.

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now