Movie disaster!

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Spade: Guys!

Joker: What?

Spade: I'm making a movie and I need your help!

Gabriel: What kind of movie?

Spade: A love story between a girl and a guy with powers!

Rose: Sounds interesting!

Twilight: So what do you need?

Spade: I need some of you to play the roles in my movie.

Shadow: Count me out.

Rose: I wanna be in the movie!

Spade: Okay, Rose you get the role of the girl who falls in love with the magical guy.

Rose: Yay!

Shadow: I'm out of here! (Leaves)

Spade: Who would like the roll of the guy?

Gabriel: (Pushes Phoenix in front) Phoenix wants the roll!

Phoenix: No, I don't!

Spade: Perfect! Phoenix is definitely the right guy for this roll!

Phoenix: But I don't wanna!

Joker: Shut up, Yawning Jerk!

Phoenix: Hmph! (Pouts)

Spade: Let's head to my studio.

Twilight: You have a studio?!

Spade: Yup!

At Spade's studio.....

Spade: One, two, three, action!

Rose: (Walks in a park) What a lovely day today! The sky is blue, the flowers are blooming and the birds are singing! Truly breathtaking!

Phoenix: (Sees Rose in the park) What a beautiful girl! I've never seen any girl like her before (approaches Rose) Hi there.

Rose: (Turns to Phoenix) Hello!

Phoenix: May I know your name, sweet girl?

Rose: (Blushes) It's Rose. What's yours?

Phoenix: What a beautiful name for a pretty girl like you! I'm Phoenix.

Rose: Nice name.

Phoenix: Thanks! Would you like to watch a movie together?

Rose: I'd love to! Let's go!

Phoenix: Okay!

Gabriel:(From the back seat) Cut!!!

Spade: Oi! What are you doing?! Only I can say "cut" because I'm the movie director here!

Gabriel: I have a question, who on Earth would go out with a guy they'd just met?!

Spade: It's called love on first sight!

Twilight: I think you got the whole definition of love on first sight wrong.

Spade: No, I didn't and could you two keep quiet? This is MY movie, not yours!

Gabriel: Whatever!

Twilight: We were just trying to help, ya know!

Spade: I don't need any of your help, I have everything in my head. Now back to the show!

Four hours into the movie....

Phoenix: (On his knees) Rose, today has been an amazing day for me.

Rose: Me too!

Phoenix: Rose, would you be my girlfriend?

Rose: Yes! Yes! And yes! Phoenix, I love you!

Phoenix: I love you too~ Say, can you keep a secret?

Rose: Sure! What's this secret of yours?

Phoenix: This (turns into a half bird/ half human) I guess you could say I'm a guy with extraordinary powers.

Rose: (Speechless)

Phoenix: Rose dear, are you alright?

Rose: That is.......AMAZING!!! I had no idea!

Phoenix: You what else is amazing?

Rose: What?

Phoenix: You~

Rose: (Blushes) Oh Phoenix, you're such a flirt.

Phoenix: Oh really? (Pins Rose to a near by wall).

Rose: W-what are you doing, Phoenix?

Phoenix: Stealing your first kiss.

Rose: (Madly blushes) Then it's yours, love.

Their faces were slowly getting closer and closer. Just as their lips were about to meet.....

Shadow: (Bursts in the studio) Flaming Chicken! Stay away from Rose!

Spade: CUT!!! Shadow, what the fudge?! You interrupted my movie!


Phoenix: But it was in the script! I was just following the stupid script!

Shadow: I don't care. Now, take this! Bloody Rain! (Shoots Phoenix with his umbrella)

Phoenix: Woah! (Dodges it. Flies up) This was just a misunderstanding!

Shadow: I don't care!

Shadow continued to shoot Phoenix with his Bloody Rain while Spade whined at them to stop fighting.

Spade: You're ruining my movie! Stop it!

Shadow&Phoenix: Like we care!!!

Rose: (Slowly backs away) Um...

Meanwhile with Joker, Gabriel and Twilight at the back seats...

Gabriel: (Eating popcorn) Wow! This movie has everything!

Twilight: (Eating chocolate) Yeah, the effects are so realistic! It's awesome!!

Joker: (Drinking soda) This is what I call a first class movie. Well done, Spade!

Gabriel: Oh look, Shadow is chasing Phoenix with a monster truck.

Twilight: And Phoenix is throwing fire balls at him.

Joker: Do you smell something burning?

Twilight&Gabriel: Don't ruin the movie.

Joker: Okay!

Spade: My movie! It's ruined!

Shadow: Get back here, jerk!

Phoenix: Nu-uh! This was not my fault for the last damn time!

Shadow: I don't give a damn!

Oh my god! What have I done?😂 Hope you amazing readers enjoyed this chapter.
Joker: Welcome to the shining night!
Twilight: Welcome to the night of wonders!
Joker: Did you just copied my catchphrase?!
Twilight: I didn't! I created this catchphrase myself!
Joker: Yeah right...
Twilight: BTW, I don't the photo above everyone!

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now