Crushing on the Ninja pt2

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Behind her, a deep voice could be heard. Sara wasn't sure whether to face the person or to run away. What should I do? Run away? Too risky! Face him? Also risky! UGH! I can't think straight!, Sara thought to herself. It is normal for people to enter a panic mode when they're in danger.

The deep voice cleared his throat, "Excuse me? I asked you a question, didn't I? Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Sara decided to face the stranger first, if he would harm her, then she'll run away. Worst idea ever but it's worth a shot! She slowly turned her head behind. First, she saw a blade pointed to her shoulder. That's sharp! Then she saw red hair. Wait, it can't be him, right? Once she fully turned to the stranger, Sara could confirm that it was the same ninja she had followed earlier into the forest. He still had his mask on, so she couldn't see his eyes.

Suddenly, the ninja retrieved back his sword and place it in his casing. "Sorry about that, I thought you were some kind of burglar", he said. A burglar?! Of all things, he chooses to think I'm a burglar?!, Sara fumed. Wait, I thought burglars would strike in the night.

"Um, excuse me, you still there?", the ninja asked her. Sara blinked her eyes a few times, "Y-yeah, I'm still here" She was literally sweating in fear now. I need to be careful. Who knows what this guy could do to me?

The ninja then took of his mask, revealing a pair brown eyes. Cute!, Sara thought, Wait- What am I thinking?! Get a hold of yourself, Sara!

The boy then looked up and down at Sara as if examining her. "What happened to you? You have several cuts on your arms and legs. And judging by your attire, you're not from this village", the ninja said. Great! Now I need to come up with a lie! Hope it's convincing.

"I fell down from a tree. A  really tall tree to be precise. And yes, I'm not from here, I got lost in the forest and somehow ended up here", Sara lied. Oh my god! Will he even believe this?

"What were you doing in the tree?", he asked. Seriously?! What kind of a question is that?! "Like I said earlier, I got lost. So, I needed to get to higher ground to see where I am." Sara replied.

The ninja then held out his hand to her. Sara reluctantly took it and stood up. "Sorry about that. A few days ago, suspicious men came to our village and caused chaos there", he explained. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's Okie!", Sara replied cutely. What's wrong with me?

"Were you running away from someone? You seem out of breath", the ninja remarked.

"I was chased by wild dogs", she automatically replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that. My name is Hyakkimaru", the ninja introduced himself.

"I'm Sara", she said, "and this is Berry and Kitty", Sara gestured to her animal friends. The two just stayed quiet. Well, it wasn't often to find magical talking animals and they wouldn't want to freak Hyakkimaru out.

"Would you like to follow me back to Koga Castle? We could get your wounds cleaned up and I could accompany you to the city. Your parents must be worried sick about you. After all, you're only thirteen, right?" Hyakkimaru said.

"Actually, I'll be fifteen soon and.... I lost my parents when I was seven", Sara answered.

"I'm sorry for your lost. So, you'll be fifteen? But you looked like a thirteen year old teen" Hyakkimaru said. Sara giggled. She was often mistaken slightly younger than her original age. "What about your guardian?" he asked. "I don't have one", she replied. "Oh, that's odd but I won't ask. So, shall we go?" Hyakkimaru asked.

Sara looked at him with confusion in her eyes, "To where?"

"To Koga Castle, to clean your wounds", Hyakkimaru reminded her. "You forgot?"

"Y-yeah, I can be absent minded sometimes", Sara lightly blushed due to embarrassment.

"It's fine", he said. They walked back to Koga Castle. Only silence. It was getting awkward so Hyakkimaru decided to break the silence between them. "There's gonna be a summer festival here in two days time. Would you like to go there with me?"

Wait, he's actually asking me to go to a festival with him? We just met! "Um, I don't mean to be rude but um.... we just met and you're asking me to go to a festival with you? I'm a stranger to you" Sara said.

Hyakkimaru just smiled, "You seem nice and friendly, so I trust you. Plus, it's to make it up for causing you to fall down from the tree you mentioned."

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I saw my shuriken next to you when you were still on the ground. I was aiming for the spy who was spying on me but it somehow hit you instead. Sorry about that."

Sara sweated at the mention of the  word 'spy'. So he didn't exactly saw me. That's good to know. "Oh, don't sweat it, I'm fine."

After that, neither of them talked until they reached the castle. When they arrived there, all eyes were on the girl and the two animals. It made Sara uncomfortable because she was used to people ignoring her. One of the ninjas came up to them. "Hey Hyakkimaru-san, who's the girl with you?",he asked.

"This is Sara, and she... um...needs a bit of help. Nothing that I can't handle" Hyakkimaru said. "Where did you find her? You didn't kidnapped her, right?", the ninja joked.

"No, of course not. She fell down from a tree and it was because of me" Hyakkimaru explained.

After that awkward conversation, Hyakkimaru led Sara and her little animals to the medical room in the castle. Sara rolled up her sleeve and washed her arm under the running water. She did the same thing for her other arm and legs. Once she was done with that, she applied antiseptic cream on her cuts then wrapped them with gauze given to her by Hyakkimaru.

"Thank you for your generosity" Sara did a light bow to show her appreciation to Hyakkimaru.

"You're welcome. So, about my question regarding the festival... do you wanna go there?" Hyakkimaru asked.

"This summer festival you're talking about does sound fun. Okay! I'll go with you. And I could bring Berry and Kitty along too!" Sara exclaimed.

"Sure, the  more, the merrier! I know you'll love it there! There are lot of games held during the festival and the food is good too!"

"Will there be any candy? At least chocolate?"

"Yeah, there's a lot of sweets during that time, and who knows? Maybe there's chocolate too."

"Yes! This festival is gonna be so much fun!"

To be continued

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