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Phoenix: I'm sorry to say this but Joker is no longer with us

Hachi: (Cries) Why?

Queen: That can't be

Spade: Joker no longer with us? This has to be another prank of his

Phoenix: Unfortunately, no. Joker is gone forever

Everyone else: (Cries like Niagara Falls)

Joker: (Locked in the basement) Guys! I'm not dead yet!

Queen: What was that?

Phoenix: Ah, even though he's gone, I can still hear his voice

Joker: (Bangs on the door) Guys! I'm still alive! Yawning Jerk locked me in the basement!

Phoenix: See? His soul wants us to always remember him

Hachi: J-Joker-san was such a nice man

Phoenix: There, there, he's in a better place now

Joker: Better place my foot! You call the basement a better place to be?!

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now