Twilight is acting weird today

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Twilight: Good morning!

Berry: Twilight? You're awake? Early in the morning?

Kitty: That's so unlike you. We usually have to drag you out of bed. Did something happened?

Twilight: No, everything's fine

Miki: (Whispers to Berry) Did you wipe out her memory or something?

Berry: Of course not!

Kitty: That was just a joke!

Hyeon Ju: Right...

Kimi: Hey!

Twilight: Good morning, little sister!

Kimi: I'm your daughter, remember?

Twilight: (Tilts head) But I'm too young to have a daughter, Kimi. Don't be silly

Kimi: I'm from the future! Don't you remember?

Twilight: Sadly, no

Kimi: (Turns to Berry and Kitty) What did you do to my Mommy?!

Berry: Nothing!

Kitty: We swear we did nothing at all!

Berry: We have no idea why she's acting like this

Twilight: Is there something wrong?

Kimi: Very!

Berry: Let's bring her to the others

At the clubhouse...

Joker: So Twilight is acting strange?

Queen: Since morning?

Kitty: Yes

Berry: We didn't do anything to her!

Suisei: Suspicious

Twilight: I'm not acting strange, this is how I really am

Miki: Twily, you freaked out and screamed like an idiot when you saw a worm

Twilight: So? Worms are scary!

Miki: You were never afraid of worms before! The way you acted was like as if you saw a rat!

Twilight: Why would I freak out if I saw a rat? They're cute!

Miki: See?! She said rats are cute! So unlike of our Twilight!

Hyeon Ju: Is she even the real Twilight?

Gabriel: Let's find out. What's your name?

Twilight: My name is Sara Butterfly Hearts, but I'm also known as Kaitou Twilight Dawn.

Suisei: How old are you?

Twilight: I'm fifteen years old.

B.M: Who's your crush?

Twilight: I don't have one

B.M: Lies! You're not the real Twilight!

Twilight: But I am me

B.M: Everyone knows you have a mega crush on Hyakkimaru!

Twilight: I do, huh? Sadly, I don't remember

Spade: I think it's clear you're not the real Twilight

Queen: Show us your true form!

"Twilight": (Smirks) Sure, not a problem at all!

Out of the blue, a small tornado appeared around "Twilight". It lasted for about 20 seconds before it died down. In it's place wasn't "Twilight" but a woman who looked to be around her early 30s with long flowing, white hair  and charcoal eyes. She wore a long loose gray cardigan with black ribbons wrapped around her waist over a black skintight suit, a pair of calf high carob boots with silver details and a bronze headband with leaf like designs. She gave them a malicious smile.

Lady Dose: Hello there

Rose: It's Lady Dose who looks nothing like Lady Doubt!

Ai: Um...

Moonlight: Where's Twilight?!

Lady Dose: Hearts? Oh, probably under Professor Demon's control right now. It wasn't easy to lure her out. But we did it!

Lupin: Why did you impersonate as Twilight?

Lady Dose: Oh, so that you wouldn't suspect anything

Hyakkimaru: You're sure are bad at acting though

Lady Dose: Rude much

Phoenix: Aren't you rude as well?

Lady Dose: Shut up, bird!

Gabriel: Where's Twilight?!

Lady Dose: I already told you, she's probably unde-

The door flung opened and in came a girl with butterfly wings and a ruby red heart painted over her right eye.

Twilight: Lady Dose! How dare you tried to impersonate as me while I was fighting for my life!

Lady Dose: You?! How did you escaped from the professor's Blood Cage?

Twilight: Um, I used an attack move called  Lilac Vortex to break that bloody cage!

Lady Dose: Damn, I knew you were stronger than you looked.

Twilight: Could you tell Professor Demon to stop calling me his doll? It's freaky creepy! I'm not some porcelain doll that he could claim as his!

Lady Doll: Would you rather be called a doll or a slave?

Twilight: You know what? Being called a doll is much more better than being called a slave to be honest

Lady Dose: Glad to see you have a brain

Twilight: (Gasps) I'm offended by your words

Lady Dose: (Rolls her eyes) Such a kid

Suisei: Hello? Have you forgotten about us?

Lady Dose: No, not at all. Now, if you excuse me, I have to head back to Professor Demon to figure out a new plan to capture Hearts

Captain Blue: You do know we can hear you, right?

Lady Dose: Um...forget what I just said! (Flies up) Until next time, Hearts (disappears)

Twilight: Bye, bye! Never come back!

Berry: You looked horrible Twilight. Your hair is messy and your clothes are ripped!

Kitty: Not to mention your torn wings and tired face

Twilight: You two are right about that (slightly yawns) I'm gonna sleep now

Miki: Take a shower before that

Moonlight: Eat something

Suisei: And meet me in my clinic before you sleep

Twilight: (Tiredly sighs) Okay. Is there anything sweet I could eat?

Spade: You should be eating a salad, not sweet food. Want some spinach with onions and cucumbers?

Twilight: Ewwww! I hate those veggies! You're not getting that in my mouth! Nu-uh! Not in a billion years! Onions are the worst! Hey, imagine Professor Demon was an onion

Beryl: That's it! She's too tired! Somebody drag her to the showers now and get her cleaned up!

Halsey: Chill dude, no need to get worked up

Spade: Halsey's right

Halsey: Thank you

Hey! What's up? Good? Bad? I hope you enjoyed this chapter hihi. Stay shining!💖💜🌌

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