Cute girl~

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Phoenix was heading to the TV room to play a video game when he spotted Queen with another girl. The girl had icy-blue white hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a red dress just above her ankles with pink details and golden bow at the side of her waist. She was also wearing a matching jacket with the hood up and a pair of golden flats. She was everything you would describe as a kawaii girl. Phoenix decided to approach them. He's heart was pounding.

Phoenix: (Nervously) H-hey Queen, who's your friend?

Queen: You don't recognize her?

Phoenix: No, have we met before?

Kawaii Girl: Many times. We're friends, remember?

Phoenix: I'm sorry miss, but I don't think we've met before. There's no way I could forget a cute face like yours.

Queen: (Laughing) Ha ha ha! Oh my god!

Kawaii Girl: You really don't recognize me?

Phoenix: (Confused) Y-yeah. Who are you?

Kawaii Girl: (Smirks) Look closer.

Phoenix did as he was told. That's when he saw the familiar mischievous smile on the "girl's" face. Phoenix took a step back, eyes widening in realization.

Phoenix: J-Joker, is that you?

Joker: The one and only!

Phoenix: But you really looked like a girl.

Joker: And I can't believe you tried to flirt with me! Gross, Yawning Jerk!

Queen: I can't believe you thought Joker was some pretty girl.

Joker: Well, since Yawning Jerk thought I was a girl, I guess this disguise is pretty convincing. Time to move on to phase two! (Leaves)

Phoenix: Explain.

Queen: Joker is on his next heist. There's this beauty contest held by a famous actor. The prize is a cup made out of pure diamonds decorated with jades and rubies. So, as you can see, Joker is disguising as a girl to join the contest.

Phoenix: Whoah, has he done something like that before?

Queen: Yeah, with me. There was this contest to pick a bride for Mr. Kaneari. Long story short, Joker won. Then, Mr. Kaneari tried to kiss Joker which freaked him out. So he threw Hachi at him, revealed himself and stole the prize with me, Hachi, Roko and Hosshi.

Phoenix: Wow, that's kind of cool. Except for the part where that Kaneari guy tried to kiss Joker.

Queen: (Smirks) And you tried to flirt with him~

Phoenix: Ewww, I almost forgot about that (walks away). If you don't mind, I'm going to take a nice hot bath to clear that thought from my head.

Queen: I thought you hated wate-

Phoenix: In lava! Hot burning lava!

Queen: (Shrugs) Okay.

Yo! Is it me or does Joker looks like a girl sometimes? Idk. Hope you like this chapter💗
Question: Should I introduce my oc in here?
I really don't know. Pls help me to decide. So um, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Until the next chapter! Stay awesome and welcome to the shining night!💜🌟☄🌌

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