Crushing on the Ninja pt1

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(A/N: This is some kind of AU I guess)

"Mom, look! There's a giant bird in the sky!", said a five year old boy. The mother of the child just smiled at him and continued their day together. Little that they knew, the ' giant bird' the boy referred to wasn't a bird at all but a fairy! Yes, this was a hybrid fairy because she  was half human, half fairy.

The fairy smiled at the sight of the boy and his mother. She missed her own mother and father very much. But no matter how many times she cries in the night, nothing could bring them back. Once a soul is gone, there's no getting it back. She had lost her parents at a very young age, went into the forest to live and survive. Life was hard for her but she always tries her best to look at everything at a positive point of view.

"I will always stay strong to continue life in this challenging world. I won't make any wrong mistakes that could change me forever", the fairy mumbled to herself. "My name is Sara Butterfly Hearts and I pledge to never harm anyone or do something that could hurt the innocence or myself", Sara said to herself. It had become a habit of hers to mumble inspiring words to herself.

That day, Sara decided to visit Japan. She didn't have any important reason to, it was just for fun. She was happily soaring through the sky, the wind blowing her hair. Yes, this was the type of freedom anyone would had wanted. After flying for sometime, Sara decided to land in a nearby forest to take a break. She made sure there was no one there before landing down. Once she did, Sara transformed into her human form.

Sara in her human form had long wavy magenta hair with lilac highlights. She had pink eyes with unusual violet heart shaped pupils. Sara was wearing a pink jacket over a plum tank top, a pink skirt with three red heats over a pair of purple tights. In her hair, she wore an eight pointed star shaped hair clip in pink and white and around her neck was a long chain necklace with a pink heart shaped pendant. A pair of sky blue shoes adorned her feet.

She stretched her body a bit. She had been flying for hours, causing her body to be slightly stiff. Just as Sara was about to take a step, a bright glow appeared before her eyes. When the light died down, in front of her stood a bunny and a cat. The bunny had plush like fur in two different colours: the outer part was soft pink while the inner part was soft lavender. It had sky blue eyes, a red ribbon on its head and pink hearts on either side of its cheeks. The cat's outer coat was dark purple while the inner coat was light pink. It had sapphire eyes, a blue colour with a heart shaped pendant and hearts on all four of its paws.

The bunny cleared its throat , "Ahem, why did went off on your own?" Sara sighed,"Come on, Berry! I'm gonna fifteen soon! I'm old enough to go places on my own." "But the problem is, you're sort of naive and gullible. We don't want you to land in trouble", the cat spoke up.

Berry who was the bunny turned to the cat. "She won't listen, Kitty. She's as stubborn as can be."

The cat-Kitty nodded her head. "What do you expect? All we can do is follow her around and make sure nothing bad happens to her."

Sara pouted at her two animal friends. "Hey! I can take care of myself! I'm not a little kid anymore, you know. I can tell what's right and what's wrong."

"Yes, you can but you gotta understand that you're not a regular human being. Those with bad intention could do anything they want to you if you ever get captured by them", Berry reminded the girl.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to explore this forest. It seems somewhat interesting to me", the girl said.

The two animals nodded but on one condition, Sara had to allow them to follow her no matter what.  Of course she agreed to it.

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