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Twilight: No! I'll never do it! You can do whatever you want to me but I will N E V E R allow you to do that to me!

Suisei: Enough with the drama, roll up your sleeve so we can get over with this

Gabriel: It's not that bad

B.M: Gabriel's right, Twily

Twilight: Still, no

Crimson: Hey Takashi!

Takashi: (Sighs) What do you want?

Crimson: Is your human always like that?

Takashi: Pretty much

Twilight: For the last time, no!

Suisei: Well excuse me, young lady! You need this injection so that you won't be infected by that stray dog's bite!

Moonlight: Stray dog...

Twilight: It wasn't my fault! The poor thing was hungry so I gave it some food

Moonlight: You were not supposed to feed it using your bare hands!

Twilight: But it didn't had a plate! I had to use my hands to feed it!

B.M: But Twily, look what it did to you

Twilight: I know, but I don't regret it!

Gabriel: Even though you have to receive an injection?

Twilight: Uh...(looks at the exit)

Gabriel: Twilight, no

Twilight: Twilight, yes!

Suisei: Grab her!

Twilight: Bye bye! (Exits the room) No injection for me!

Crimson: Man, she's really endangering herself

Takashi: (Shrugs)

Crimson: This is all your fault

Takashi: Mine?! How so?!

Crimson: You must had influenced her that injections are bad when she was a kid

Takashi: I didn't do that!

This was inspired by Monday's event. No, I wasn't bitten by a dog on that day. On Monday, I received an anti tetanus jab. I was the last person to get injected and before it was my turn, I looked at the exit and started planning my escape since I was afraid of injection needles. But to my dismay, just as I was about to run, the nurse called me. Oof, I shut my eyes as she jabbed the needle in me and thought I was gonna cry😿 And yes, my arm still hurts because of the jab. Anyway, stay shining!💖💜🌌

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