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Yes! My BFF finally created her OC for this anime! I've waited so long for this! BTW, my friend is lightyouniverse! Let's get to know her OC, shall we?

Name: Yaya van Blight

Kaitou Name: Moonlight

Partner: Kuro (a black vampire cat)

Human Age: 15 years old

Vampire Age: 5,000 years old

Birthday: April 4th

Favorite Colour(s): Black and white

Favourite Shape: Pentagon

Species: Half human/ half vampire

Gender: Female

Personality: Slightly cocky and sarcastic, a tsundere, stubborn, easily triggered, adventures, daring, mischievous, deep, confident

BFF: Kaitou Twilight Dawn/ Sara Butterfly Hearts

*Long straight brown hair with white highlights in a low ponytail.
*Pale skin.
*Azure eyes.
*Slightly taller than Twilight.
*Cute little vampire fangs.

Casual Clothes:
*A long white layered dress decorated with off white flower laces.
*A long silk black cloak.
*A pair of  black leather shoes.
* A translucent diamond compass attached to a long chain necklace.

Kaitou Outfit:
*A white collared silk blouse with a black ribbon at the neckline.
*A black vest.
*A pair of black slacks
* A silver belt
* A green and white butterfly shaped pin
* A translucent diamond compass attached to a long chain necklace
* A dark blue masquerade mask decorated with three diamonds on it

Likes: Cats, white chocolate, music, playing the piano, paranormal things, sleeping, sketching, scaring people, exploding light bulbs, annoying others, bossing other people, macaroons, watching YouTube videos, dark places

Dislikes: Crowded places, fishes, garlics, rats, arguments, summer, others calling her by her real name, dark chocolate, being bossed, being under the rain, extreme amount of light, medicines, slugs, fungus, drama

Fear: Dogs

Power(s): Super speed, shape shifting into a bat, shadow manipulation, hypnotizing glances

Weapon: 12 penknives

Back story:

Yaya (Moonlight) used to live with her parents in their mansion, deep in the forest, in London. Her mum was a vampire whereas her dad, was a human. They were always spending time together, helping each other out when needed. Then, one day, her dad died due to old age. It was shocking yet sad news for Yaya and her mum. A few years later, while Yaya and her mum were out spending time together in Japan, a few villagers attacked them. The villagers thought that they were going to harm their people, so they tried to kill the vampires. Yaya managed to escape but unfortunately for her mum, she was cornered by several men. Then, one of them who seems to be in a ninja suit, took out his katana with a symbol on the shaft and stabbed Yaya's mum through the heart.

Yaya had to cover her mouth from screaming out loud. After watching the bloody scene before her eyes, the villagers left her mum's body and went back to the village. Yaya ran to her mum and held her hand while crying and begging for her mum to stay alive. Her mum smiled weakly and said that she would always be by her side. Yaya's mum removed something from her neck and handed it to her. It was a translucent diamond compass attached to a long chain necklace. Her mum told her that the compass was given to her by her dad when they went on their first date together. Yaya's mum told her that she wanted her to have it as a final give from her. As Yaya took the compass from her mum, she exhaled her final breath, leaving Yaya all alone with a body.

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