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Joker: You're under arrest

Phoenix: Me? What did I do?

Joker: You have stolen something from me

Phoenix: I did? What did I stole?

Joker: Something important to me

Phoenix: Important?

Joker: Something precious to me

Phoenix: Is it curry?

Joker: Something irreplaceable

Phoenix: Irreplaceable? What could that be?

Joker: Come on Yawning Jerk, use that brain of yours

Phoenix: it your kidney?

Joker: What? No

Phoenix: Then?

Joker: It's my heart you idiotic bird!

Phoenix: (Gasps) If I've stolen your heart, how are you still alive?

Joker: Sometimes I wish you weren't this stupid

Phoenix: Hold up, you can't arrest me. You know why? Because you're not a police officer!

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now