A second chance

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(A/N: I just realized something, I'd never written a sad and depressing story before. So today, I'm gonna try to write that. Warning: Self harm, suicide attempts and depression. Enjoy^^)

She had always felt different than the others. Even though she had friends who supported her for who she was, there would always be those who would criticize her, calling her a weirdo and et cetera.

For years, she had hidden her depression from her friends behind her sweet and sugary smile. Always pretending that she was okay but in reality, she was slowly dying on the inside. Every night, she would lock herself in her room and cry her heart out. She didn't tell anyone about her problems because she didn't want to be a burden to those around her.

I don't wanna burden my friends with my problems. Let me face it myself. I can do it!

But boy, she was wrong. The bullying got worse each day. It was so unbearable to the point  where she would start questioning herself if she still had the use living in this world anymore.

"Why are they always bullying me? What have I ever done to them? Am I a bad human being? Did I do something in the past to deserve such treatment? Is my life no longer worth living for? Everyday she would ask herself the same questions over and over again. Why does she have to bear the torture everyday?

"Hey weirdo!", called one of the bullies ,"where are you going?".

"To my next class. Why do you ask?"

"Still trying to be polite, Sara? How pathetic is that!"

"Why are you always criticizing me?"

"Why? You disgust me with your so-called kindness to everyone. You do know you're living in a fantasy world, right? Always thinking the world is full of love and happiness. Well sorry! Your point of view of this world is nothing but an illusion! Wake up already! You're such a sugary cinnamon roll, it disgusts me in so many ways, you know that!"

"So the reason why you and your friends are always picking on me is because of my personality? Because I'm always trying to live a happy and cheerful life? Is that the reason?"

"Look who's talking now! Face it, you're nothing but a daydreamer who will always be stuck in that small mind of yours! You got that idiot?!


"Good. After school, I want you to meet me at the back of the school to pick up our assignments. Make sure you complete them by tomorrow. Understand, loser?!

"Y-yes, I understand."

"Good! Now, get lost!"

She was about to leave but suddenly, she was stopped by one of the boys. "Why do people like you even exist in this world? People like you don't even deserve to breath here. You're wasting everyone's time by just being here!"

He's words hit her like a brick. Such insulting words he had said to her. How could a guy like him say such words to a cinnamon roll like Sara? Sara was extremely offended- no hurt by his words. She dashed out from the place and headed into one of the old and empty classrooms. She leaned against the wall and slowly slumped down as hot tears streamed down her soft cheeks. She just couldn't take it anymore. It was too much for her to bear.

Sara took of her bag pack and opened it. She searched through her bag until she found what she was looking for. She took out a pair of sharp scissors and stared at it for a moment before rolling up her sleeve. She raised the scissors and and cut her arm.

Sara watched as the crimson liquid flowed out of her wound and dripped onto the floor. She felt pain in it but continued to repeatedly cut her arm. She winced each time a new wound was formed but didn't stop.

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now