10 things not to do during Halloween

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#1 Don't go trick or treating in the graveyard

Joker: Trick or treat!

Simon: Oh, it's you

Joker: Where's my candy?

Simon: Oh, here you go (gives a blood pack)

Joker: What am I going to do with this?

Simon: I don't know, maybe drink it?

Joker: Ewww, no. Your candy sucks!

#2 Boomers shouldn't go on trick or treating

Silver Heart: Trick or treat!

Agent Purple: Aren't you a bit too old for this?

Silver Heart: Nonsense! You're never too old for free candy!

Agent Purple: (Shrugs then gives some candy)

Silver Heart: Hah! I got the best cand-My back! (Drops down)

Random boy: Oooh, free candy (takes his candy)

Silver Heart: Oi! That's mine you brat!

Spade: (On the phone) Hello? There's a boomer who needs help ASAP

#3  Don't give out expired candy

Professor Demon: (Throws expired candy at Sara) Now go

Sara: These are expired candy

Professor Demon: So?

Sara: I'm not taking them

Professor Demon: That's your lost

Sara: (Secretly casts an explosion spell on the candies) Take them back! (Throws them at him)

Professor Demon: (Candy explodes in face) AHHH! MY EYES!!!

#4 Never scare the trick or treater

Kichiro: (In his cat boy form) I'm going to eat all my candy the minute I reach back home

Idiot: (Suddenly jumps out) Boo!

Kichiro: AHHH! (Takes out frying pan and hits Idiot)

Idiot: (Left arm breaks) My arm!

Kichiro: Your arm!

Idiot: My freaking arm!

Kichiro: Your freaking arm!

#5 Don't replace candy with money

Kid: Trick or treat!

President D: Sorry kid but, I'm out of candy

Kid: Aww man

President D: (Takes out a stack of cash) Here, go and buy yourself something nice

Kid: Thanks! I'm going to use this money to buy a bomb to blow up my school! (Leaves)

President D:......Spider Ace, I need help

#6 Don't give out spicy "candy"

Girl: Trick or treat!

Phoenix: Hi! Here's your "candy"

Girl: Thank you! (Eats the candy)

Phoenix: Delicious, isn't it?

Girl: HOT!!! WHAT KIND OF CANDY IS THIS?!!! (Fire comes out from mouth)

Phoenix: That isn't candy, it's extra spicy chilli peppers!

#7 Don't overfeed your pet with candy

Gabriel: Here Tsuki, a little something for you (gives her a whole bucket of candy)

Tsuki: (Eats every single candy) Tsuki! (Gets a high sugar rush then jumps up and down)

Gabriel: (Nervously sweats) Hey, calm down

Tsuki: (Jumps into a neighbor's window) Uh oh, I think I broke something

Silver Heart: Who broke my window?!

Gabriel: RUN!!!

#8 Don't go trick or treating at 3am

Queen: Are you sure we should be out at this hour?

Joker: Well yeah, this is the best time to go trick or treating

Slenderman: Hi kids

Queen: Nice costume

Joker: Yeah, you look exactly like Slenderman!

Slenderman: That's because I am Slenderman. Wanna see my face? (Slowly pulls out mask)

Queen&Joker: (Drops their candies then run away)

Queen: Nobody has ever seen Slenderman's face!

Joker: That's because he doesn't even have a face!

Slenderman: (Pulls out mask then picks up the dropped candies) Hehe, more candy for me

Ai: Spade-sama, that wasn't very nice

Spade: Don't worry, they won't know I stole their candy because they saw "Slenderman" taking it

#9 Never say "We're out of candy" to kids

Rose: Trick or...

Shadow: Treat

Old man: Sorry kiddos, but I'm out of candy

Rose: Oh...(looks down)

Shadow: (Takes out Bloody Rain then points it at the man) You better give us candy!

Old man: (Panicks) But I don't have anymore, I swear

Shadow: Give us candy or else, it's bye bye to you

Rose: No! Don't kill him!

#10 Don't steal other's candy

Leo: (Being pushed down) Hey! That bucket of candy belongs to me!

Kenichi: Too bad for you. Now, it's mine and, so is Kimiko

Leo: What? What do you mean by that?

Kenichi: You're so oblivious

???: (Taps on Kenichi's shoulder)

Kenichi: What?

???: (In creepy voice) Give him back his candy (vigorously shakes head from side to side with hair going everywhere)

Kenichi: (Drops the bucket) Ahhh! (Runs off)

Leo: W-who are you?

???: (Pushes hair away from face) Hey Leo!

Leo: (Jaw drops down) Kimi?!

Kimi: Yup! Sorry about Kenichi, he has always been a jerk

Leo: Yeah. Wait a minute, isn't Kenichi from your timeline?

Kimi: (Gasps) What's he doing here?

Leo: I have no idea how and why he's in the present

Hi! I know this is kinda late for a chapter for Halloween but meh😅 Stay shining!💖💜🌌

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