The most fabulous lady

176 13 89

Judge 1: Now, to see the candidates for this year's beauty pageant.

Judge 2: First up, Ms J.

Joker: (In girly tone and in a dress) Hi there! I'm Ms J, the most talented lady in the whole wide world!

Judge 3: Okay? Next is Ms Diamond!

Queen: (Feeling awkward) H-hello, I'm Ms Diamond. If you were to put me in a dangerous situation, I'd survive with my skills and the help of my friends.

Judge 3: Very nice. Ms Silverella,
you're next.

Silver Heart: (In a dress and girly tone) Oh! Hihi, hello! I'm the beautiful Silverella! I'm the most fabulous, skilled and amazing woman you've ever met!

Judge 1: (Whispers) There's something not right with this lady.

Judge 2: (Whispers back) Yeah, she has a pointy beard and harry legs. I-it's just weird.

Judge 3: You may leave the platform and stand with the other.

Silver Heart: Oh! Alright then (leaves)

Joker: Master looks weird in that Cinderella dress.

Queen: I couldn't agree more. Is this the reason why he's still single?

Joker: Who knows? We should ask Agent Purple when she's free.

Queen: Okay.

Silver Heart: Step aside! The fabulous Silverella is coming through!

Joker: Gee, whatever old lady!

After three hours in the beauty pageant...

Judge 1: Now, to announce the winner of this year's beauty pageant!

Joker: Oooh, interesting.

Queen: I wonder who's it going to be.

Silver Heart: Most probably the fabulous Silverella! Hohoho

Queen: (Nervously sweats) Okay?

Judge 3: And the winner is........

Joker: Is?

Judge 3: Is.........

Queen: Who is it?

Judge 2: Is.........

Silver Heart: Of course it's the fabulous Silverella! Hohoho.

All judges: Is Ms Peacock!

Queen: Ms Peacock?

Joker: Who's that?

Silver Heart: Nobody that Silverella knows.

DJ Peacock: And the winner of this year's beauty pageant is Ms Peacock who surprisingly, has the same name as me! Is she my long lost sister? What a heart pounding and stimulation news!

Spade: (In an expensive dress) Hello there, I'm Ms Peacock.

Queen: (Eyes widens) Totally unexpected.

Joker: (Whispers) Is Spade seriously dressed in a figure hugging dress?

Silver Heart: The fabulous Silverella had been defeated by Ms Peacock?!

Spade: (Flips hair ten times) It's no surprise I won.

Queen: (Nervously sweats) Oh well, I guess he does fit the role of Ms Universe.

Joker: I kinda agree on that as well.

Silver Heart: This can't be! It was I who supposed to win, not Peacock!

DJ Peacock: Oi! That's my name as well!

Judge 1: I'm sorry but our decision is final.

Judge 2: Ms Peacock is rightful winner of this beauty pageant.

Judge 3: And has earned the title, "The most fabulous lady".

Spade: I'm touched by your words.

Joker: Oh well, it was fun competing in this pageant.

Queen: Yeah. Wanna go after the Pearl of Purity?

Joker: You bet it!

Queen: It's on! (Leaves with Joker).

Silver Heart: (Stares at Spade) I, Silverella can't agree on this! I want a do over!

Spade: I'm sorry, but I disagree on that.

Judge 1: You better leave, bearded lady!

Hehe, who would had thought Spade would be the winner of the beauty pageant. Stay shining!💖💜🌌

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