Are you sure that's Hosshi?

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Joker was happily watching TV when his phone rang.

Joker: What now? I'm trying to watch this show (picks up his phone) Hello? Please be aware that the owner of this phone is currently unavailable.

Silver Heart: (On the line) This isn't funny, Joker!

Joker: (Surprised) M-Master? What's up?

Silver Heart: That green space cat is trashing my house!

Joker: Pseudo Cat? Trashing your house? Are you sure it's Hosshi, Master?

Silver Heart: I'm positive about it. Come over here and catch that rascal before it destroys my house!

Joker: Fineeeee! I'll come over.

Silver Heart: Please hurry! (Ends the call).

Joker: Gee, what's with Pseudo Cat?

Phoenix: (Enters the hall) What's wrong with Acrux?

Joker: That space cat of yours in trashing my master's house.

Phoenix: Odd, I haven't seen Acrux the whole day either but she would never do something like that.

Joker: Are you sure you haven't fed anything ridiculously stupid to that cat?

Phoenix: Nope.

Joker: Then I don't know what else to say. Yawning Jerk, you're following me.

Phoenix: Why?

Joker: Because Pseudo Cat is YOUR responsibility.

Phoenix: Fine. Let's go.

At Silver Heart's house....

Joker: Master, we're here!

Phoenix: Um, hey there.

Silver Heart: (Holding a broom) What are you boys waiting for? Help me catch that- (back breaks) My back!

Joker and Phoenix ran to Silver Heart. The two boys led the old man to the couch.

Joker: Master, you rest. Me and Phoenix will catch Pseudo Cat.

Phoenix: Yeah and sorry for the mess Acrux has created.

Silver Heart: It's fine. Just catch it before it's too late.

Joker and Phoenix left Silver Heart to ress while they went looking for Hosshi.

Phoenix: Acrux! Acrux! Acrux where are you?!

Joker: Do you think we'll find Pseudo Cat by just calling her?

Phoenix: It's worth a try.

Joker: (Rolls his eyes) Unbelievable! (Hears a noise) Did you hear that?

Phoenix: Yeah, it sounded like it came from the kitchen. Let's check it out!

Joker: Sure, why not?

Joker and Phoenix made their way to the kitchen. Both were surprised to find the kitchen messy with ketchup squirted here and there.

Joker: Woah! This place looks like a murder scene with the ketchup as blood.

Phoenix: Joker, does human blood taste like ketchup?

Joker: What?! No! Of course not! That's ridiculous, fool!

Phoenix: I was just asking. So how does human blood taste like?

Joker: How would I know?! Why are you even asking this stupid question anyway?!

Phoenix: Just curious, that's all.

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now