The shape shifting cat

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Twilight was taking a walk in a forest for no particular reason. She just loves forests! She was peacefully inhaling the fresh air when she heard the sound of a cat meowing.

Twilight: Huh? Is there a cat here? (Looks left then right) Funny, I don't see it.

Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight caught a bush slightly moving. The girl quietly crept to the bush.

Twilight: (Jumps in front) Aha! Huh? (Sees a chubby cat with pink and purple fur) Kawaii~ So cute! (Grabs the cat).

Twilight: (Jumps in front) Aha! Huh? (Sees a chubby cat with pink and purple fur) Kawaii~ So cute! (Grabs the cat)

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(A/N: That's the picture of the cat I drew. I apologize for the ugly drawing🙇 Sorry for my obsession for the colors pink and purple XD)

The cat tried to free itself from Twilight's grasps but failed to do so.

Twilight: Aww, don't be scared, I won't hurt you. You're just so cute!

Kitty: Why, thank you for the sweet compliment.

Twilight: (Eyes widens) Y-you can talk?! Awesome! I had no idea there were more talking animals around here!

Kitty: Oh, there are many more. I'm Kitty.

Twilight: What a sweet name for a cat like you! My name is Twilight!

At that moment, Twilight's phone rang. She placed Kitty down and answered the call....

Twilight: Hello?

Gabriel: Twi, where are you? You said your friends are coming over at two o'clock and it's already fifteen minutes to two.

Twilight: Omigosh! I've totally forgot about that! I'm heading back.

Gabriel: Okay, see you at Midnight Sky (ends the call).

Twilight: (Turns to Kitty) I'm sorry but I have to head back home.

Kitty: (Looks down) It's okay. I understand, though it was nice having someone to talk to since I haven't had a proper chat with someone for a really long time.

Twilight: (Feeling sympathy) Awww, that's so sad. Why don't you come with me? I have lots of room at my place and I'm sure my little friend would like to have you around as company!

Kitty: You really mean that? I can come with you?

Twilight: Of course! Let's go! (Transforms into her fairy form) Ready?

Kitty: (Mouth opens) Y-you're a fairy?!

Twilight: Surprised? (Grabs Kitty) Hang on tight! (Flies off).

Kitty: (Screams) AHHHHH!!!!! We're so high up!

Twilight: I know! It's amazing, right?

Kitty: It's terrifying!

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now