Rose petals and a ditch

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Spade: Joker! Give me back my treasure!

Joker: Nu uh (sticks out tongue) This is now my treasure!

Spade: Why you little- (falls down in a ditch) Ow

Joker: Eh? Where did Spade go? (Looks left then right) He probably gave up chasing me. I guess I get to keep this treasure then (goes back to the Sky Joker)

Spade: Hey! I'm down here! I need help! Joker? Hello?

Shadow: (Passes by) What do we have here? Spade in a ditch huh?

Spade: Shadow, could you help me?

Shadow: Sure, what are friends for?

Spade: Phew, thank you

Shadow: (Smirks then grabs a basket full of rose petals)

Spade: Shadow, how's that going to help me?

Shadow: (Slowly drops the petals into the ditch)

Spade: Shadow, what are you doing?!

Shadow: These rose petal are for extra drama effects

Spade: And why do we need drama effects?!

Shadow: Have you forgotten? Tonight is a full moon which means I become extra brutal than usual

Spade: Oh no. Please don't tell me that-

Shadow: Say goodbye. Have fun going to heaven with those rose petals made out of my love

Spade: This isn't called love!

I did it! I've finally reached my 100th chapter :3 Yay!

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