Girls love to fangirl

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Joker: (Resting his feet on Spade's shoulders) Man, I'm so tired I can hardly move my legs

Spade: (Pinches his nose) Your feet stinks! Get it off my shoulders!

Joker: No, my feet loves resting on your shoulders

Spade: Well isn't that funny?

Shadow: (Shoots the table) I'm bored

Joker: Oi! That's my dining table!

Shadow: Like I care

Joker: You're going to pay for this!

Shadow: Come on, fight me! I might die out of boredom so at least, make this fight  interesting to entertain  me

Suddenly, the sound of girls screaming could be heard through the hallway.

Spade: What was that?

Joker: The girls! I think they're in trouble!

Shadow: Rose!

The three boys quickly ran to the guest room where the screams were coming from.

Spade: On the count of three. One.....two....three! (Kicks the door open)

Joker: What's wrong? What happened?

Shadow: Rose! Are you alright?!

Rose: (Looks at them, confused) What are you talking about Onii-chan? I'm fine and so is Queen and Ai

Joker: Then why were you screaming?

Queen: We were actually fangirling

Shadow: About what?

Ai: About this handsome man in the show we're watching

Spade: So everything is okay?

The girls: (Nods their heads)

Queen: Everything is fine. Like I said before, we were fangirling

Captain Blue: (Screaming) Ahh!

Spade: Are you fanboying over that character too?

Captain Blue: F-fanboying? I'm screaming because there's a scorpion near my leg! It's going to sting me! I'm going to die!

Shadow: (Whispers to Joker) Is he fanboying over that scorpion?

Joker: (Shrugs) Who knows?

Kaitou Joker: 💜Randomness and Short Tales💜Where stories live. Discover now