What the-

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Joker: (Eats curry, spits it out) What the fudge?! Why does my curry taste awful?!

Hachi: (Shrugs)

Joker: Was it you, Spade?!

Spade: (Sleeping on a pile of books) Huh?

Joker: Oh, okay. Was it you, Queen?!

Queen: (Practicing sword skills) What?

Joker: It's not Queen either. Was it you?!

Phoenix: (Stuck in a sleeping bag) Help! I need help ASAP!

Joker: (Sweats nervously) Um...Rose?

Rose: (Watching MLP) Pinkie Pie is so kawaii!

Joker: Not Rose. Viridian?

Viridian: (Drawing self portrait) That's one handsome young man Beautiful!

Joker: Um...

???: Hahahaha!

Joker: Who's that?!

???: I'm the shadow that has painted over your curry's light, Shadow Joker!

Joker: It was you?!

Shadow: You got that right!

Joker: What did you pour in my curry?!

Shadow: Black coffee! As bitter as my soul!

Joker: (Prepares a bazooka) I shall avenge my curry!

Lol😂 Stay shining!💖💜🌌

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