A/N and Introduction

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Welcome to my Draco Malfoy x Reader Fanfic. I won't be doing any author's notes other than this one and the last chapter.

So I'll just say what I have to say and you can carry on reading.

This is my first ever fanfic, so please excuse my trashy/moderate writing, I promise it will get better (hopefully) as the chapters go on.

I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, it's either autocorrect or me just not proof-reading.

If there are any inaccuracies, please forgive me. Note that this fanfic is based on the movies and not the books, for obvious reasons.

Of course, I will add scenes that weren't in the books or movies. Some scenes I will add for comedic purposes and some to give you more insight on the relationship between Y/N and Draco.

Some scenes I will add from the books.


This isn't an "enemy turn lovers" fanfic, it's actually more of a "childhood friends turn lovers", sorry to anyone who wants the enemy turn lovers storyline.

Sorry if it is boring to you, feel free to not read if it isn't your cup of tea.

Okay, here's your character:

Y/N Crankshaw, the only daughter of the richest wizarding family in the world. The brightest witch of her age (sorry Hermione), heck even brighter than wizards older than her.

Name: Y/N Crankshaw

Birthday: (y/b/d), 1980

Eye Colour: Blue

Blood Status: Pureblood (blood traitor)

Hair Colour: Long brown hair, with a little bit of a wave

Special powers: Parseltongue, Metamorphmagus, can control all 4 elements, can do wandless and non-verbal magic easily

Others: She can see Thestrals because she witnessed the murder of her aunt at the hands of Voldemort.


You'll get to know more about your character as the story goes on.

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