Private lessons with Snape

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"Add the Ashwinder egg," Snape commanded.

I did as told, adding Ashwinder egg to my cauldron.

I was in Snape's office, brewing Felix Felicis. It was very cool having private lessons, that way I get more practice and more knowledge. I've been having these private lessons for quite some time now.

Snape was absolutely wonderful at the Dark Arts and Potions, he was a genius really.

"Good. Now add the horseradish and then heat it."

"Will I get to keep this?" I asked while adding the ingredients.

"Don't be foolish, this potion in the possession of a first-year student when exams are coming up? Never." He replied sternly, giving me a cold look.

"You know I would never cheat, Professor Snape. Also, exams are months away." I protested.

"Even so, I will not take any chances. Your exams aren't months away." Snape snapped.

"Sorry, professor." I put my head down and added a squill bulb into the potion before stirring vigorously. Snape was always a harsh one, I didn't mind though, he keeps me grounded.

"Professor, do you know about the...nevermind." I began but stopped, thinking it might be too suspicious.

Snape looked up from the piece of parchment he was marking. "What is it?" He asked.

"Uh...nothing really," I muttered, mentally kicking myself hard.

"The Philosopher's Stone..." He said, earning a confused look from me. "It's none of your concern, it is well protected and that's that. As to answer the question in your mind. Legilimency."

I nodded and waved my wand over the potion in a figure of 8, saying "Felixempra." softly. The potion was like liquid gold, shining and glittering in the dim light of Snape's office.

Snape left his chair and came to inspect it.

"A potion of high quality, I would expect nothing less from you." He commented. I wasn't sure if that was a compliment but I thanked him anyway.

"Sit down." He said and pointed to a chair in front of his desk. I did, rather hastily. He sat down on his chair, facing me. "Your parents wrote to me and said you have rather...special powers, just like them."

I nodded slowly, "I am a Metamorphmagus, like mom. I can also control all the four elements and do wandless and non-verbal magic easily, like dad. I'm also a Parselmouth, like dad too."

"Very well, I have to teach you to master those abilities before they manifest into something terrible."

What? Manifest into something terrible, did he really say that? What could possibly happen to me?

"I'm sorry, professor. I don't quite understand."

Snape sighed deeply and said, "Your powers are helpful, they can help you do great things. They can also be your enemy, should you choose not to control them, they will soon consume you, take control of you, harm you and others."

I was frozen to the spot.

Mom and dad never told me this. Perhaps they didn't know?

"How long would it take for my powers to manifest anyway?"

"By the time you're fourteen," Snape answered and told me to go back to my common room after seeing my expression.

I went to bed with a sick feeling in my stomach.

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