Battle of Hogwarts (Pt 1)

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I apparated Luna outside Hogwarts, the protection spells prevented us from apparating straight in. I cast an invisibility spell around us and we walked in, successfully avoiding any unsavoury teachers or nasty prefects.

We made it to the Room of Requirement and were welcomed by the others, Neville was happy to see us.

"Kept this team together, Longbottom?" I smiled at him.

"Yes, I have. Snape hasn't found out anything about us yet. Not going to either." He said proudly. 

"That's a surprise," I said cockily to him.

"Oh that's not all that's a surprise, Y/N. Wait here." Neville went behind a portrait and walked into the dark passage.

Neville soon returned and said cheerfully. "Hey, listen up you lot. Brought you a surprise."

Seamus looked up, "Not more of Aberforth's cooking I hope? Be a surprise if we can digest this."

Neville stepped aside and we all saw Harry Potter step out of the passage, along with Ron and Hermione. Everyone quickly got up to welcome them, clapping and hugging the trio.

"So Harry, what's the plan?" Neville asked Harry, excitedly.

"Okay, there's something we need to find. Something hidden here in the castle. And it may help us defeat you-know-who." Harry said looking around the room as if the thing was going to appear out of nowhere.

"Alright...what is it?" Neville asked.

"We don't know," Harry said, a little bit embarrassed. I swear a lot of faces fell.

"Where is it?" Dean asked.

"We don't know that either," Harry said, "I realize that's not much to go on."

"That's nothing to go on, " Seamus said a bit sharply.

"I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw,'ll be small, easily concealed. Anyone any ideas?" Harry explained further.

Everyone was thinking and Luna suddenly spoke up, "There's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem." (Ron: Bloody hell, here we go) "Lost diadem of Ravenclaw? Hasn't anyone heard of it? It's quite famous."

Cho said kindly to Luna, "Yes, but Luna, it's lost...for centuries now, there isn't a person alive who has seen it." 

"Excuse me, can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?" Ron asked.

"It's a sort of crown. You know, like a tiara?" Cho explained.

Ginny appeared.

"Harry." She breathed.

"Hi, there." Ron said, waving to his sister. He got ignored.

Ginny and Harry were locking eyes, like they were in a trance.

"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie First-Year. I'm her brother." Ron complained.

"She's got lots of those. She has only one Harry." Seamus said jokingly.

"Shut up, Seamus." Ron said.

"What is it, Ginny?" Neville asked.

"Snape knows. He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade." Ginny finally said.

All of us froze, staring at a pale faced Harry.


We began leaving the Room of Requirement and joined up with the rest of the student body. We marched in neat lines to the Great Hall and parted into four groups with paths down the middle. 

Snape walked down the path and stood at the front of the hall, everyone was standing very stiffly, like robots.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour...It has come to my attention that earlier this evening...Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade...Now should anyone...student, or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter...They will be punished, in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events who fails to come forward...will be"

It was painfully long, each pause was longer than the last.

"If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening...I invite them to step forward...Now." Snape said.

No one moved until Harry Potter stepped out of a line, everyone gasped and turned to look at Harry.

"It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a security problem, Headmaster. And I'm afraid it's quite extensive." Harry said loudly and fiercely.

The big doors were flung open and the Order walked in, Hermione and Ron too.

"How dare you stand where he stood?! Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them, how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you and killed him! TELL THEM!" Harry yelled, his voice even.

Snape drew out his wand and pointed it at Harry while all the students ran to the walls screaming.

McGonagall pushed Harry aside and pointed her wand at Snape.

Oh, this was about to get good.

McGonagall shot flames at Snape, Snape didn't cast anything back, only deflecting the spells. Not sure if anyone else in the room noticed but Snape deflected two spells to the Carrow twins and killed them. He then apparated out of the Hall.

McGonagall lit up all the candles in the room while everyone cheered. A sudden raspy voice sounded and Harry sat down on the steps of the platform at the front of the hall.

"Harry Potter..."

Two girls started to scream loudly. It was deafening, but the girls quieted down as the voice continued.

"I know many of you want to fight...some of you may even think a fight is wise...but this is falling...give me Harry this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I will leave all untouched. Give me Harry Potter...and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

Everyone created a path for Harry.

"What are you waiting for?! Someone grab him!" Pansy yelled.

I drew my wand out immediately and was about to strike Pansy with a spell but was stopped by McGonagall.

Students began to stand beside Harry. I walked away from the Slytherins and stood with Harry, wand still aimed at Pansy.

"Students, out of bed! Students in the corridor!" Filch came in running, holding Mrs. Norris in his arms.

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