Second Task

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"Harry, tell me again!" Hermione ordered.

"Come seek us where our voices sound," Harry said, hitting his chin repeatedly on the book in front of him.

"The black lake, that's obvious," Hermione said.

Hermione shook a snoring Ron awake and let him hold the golden egg.

Ron and I had already made up after our feud.

"An hour long, you'll have to look." Harry continued.

"Again, obvious. Though it may be potentially problematic..." Hermione said, thinking hard.

"Potentially Problematic?! When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?!" Harry snapped and laid his head on the book, looking lost. "Wish I had your powers, Y/N."

I shrugged slightly, still thinking of a way to help Harry.

Hermione sat down beside Harry. "Look, Harry, we can do this, the four of us can figure it out."

"I mean, I could take your place in the second task." I suggested. "You just need to have an excuse to tell Draco where I am."

"No, are you mad, Y/N?! I'm not letting you take my place and get yourself killed for me." Harry said immediately. "Besides, Polyjuice Potion will take too long to brew."

"I'm a metamorphmagus, Harry. I don't need Polyjuice Potion." I said.

"Hate to break up this conversation, Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." Moody appeared and said. "Not you, Potter and Crankshaw. Just Weasley and Granger."

"But, sir! The second task is only hours away and-" Hermione started protesting but Moody cut her off.

"Exactly. Assuming Potter is well and prepared by now, he could do with a good night's sleep. Go, NOW!"

Hermione and Ron left reluctantly, leaving me and Harry with Moody. Moody looked at Harry and I for a while before calling Neville. "Longbottom! Why don't you help Crankshaw and Potter put their books back?"

Moody then left.

"You know, if you're interested in plants, you'll be better off with Goshawks Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard, in Nepal, who's growing gravity-resistant trees?" Neville asked eagerly.

"No offence, but I really don't care about plants. Now if there's a...Tibet turnip, that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great, but otherwise..." Harry said.

"I don't know about a turnip, but you can always use Gillyweed." Neville said earnestly.

"Gillyweed, of course! Why didn't we think about it, Harry?! Neville, you're a genius!" I said.

"Yeah, but where are we going to get Gillyweed?" Harry asked.

"I know where! Snape's private stores. I'll give it to Neville tomorrow." I said, almost jumping with excitement.

"Snape's stores?! Are you serious?!" The boys said in unison.

"Calm down, I have a private lesson with him later and he'll let me go to his storeroom to get supplies. I can get it then." I assured them and ran off.


I handed Neville some Gillyweed before joining Draco in one of the small boats taking us to the location of the second task.

There were 3 tall wooden structures built above the Black Lake, serving as platforms for the audience. Each champion had one hour to find something that they lost, though I don't think the 'something' is an object.

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